6-year position in Tibetan Studies ("Assistent") at the University of Vienna, starting August 2023. Details: https://univis.univie.ac.at/ausschreibungstellensuche/flow/bew_ausschreibung-flow;jsessionid=16D288F119A1A96EB10EC0ED58165729?_flowExecutionKey=_c7FE28B37-7451-92AF-244F-7F23E5D01CBC_kAD495D84-AE20-4ADB-19C5-5ACA04761DA7&tid=93285.28&_language=en Spread the word! #TibetanStudies #AcademicJobs
Testing the system here with a pointer to a new publication that appeared in a series I'm editing at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press: Tom J. F. Tillemans, "Views from Tibet : Studies on Tibetan Buddhist Logic, the Philosophy of the Middle, and the Indigenous Grammatico-Linguistic Tradition". A collection of previously published and revised articles, plus one new chapter. Also available in Open Access: https://verlag.oeaw.ac.at/en/product/views-from-tibet/99200897?product_form=4605 #publications #TibetanStudies #BuddhistPhilosophy
#publications #tibetanstudies #buddhistphilosophy
I live in Dublin and am recently retired, so am free to follow my own interests!
A long-time Buddhist (40+ yrs) and eternal student, currently studying #tibetan and #sanskrit languages with Rangjung Yeshe Institute in #kathmandu #nepal (online). #tibetanstudies
Tá Gaeilge agam, ach ní bhíonn mórán cleachtadh agam í a scríobh. Tá suim agam sa #filíocht #scríbhneoireacht #celticarchaeology
I’m also a dabbler in #art (#drawing #painting and #chinesebrushpainting) and #haiku
#introduction #tibetan #sanskrit #kathmandu #nepal #tibetanstudies #filiocht #scribhneoireacht #celticarchaeology #art #drawing #painting #chinesebrushpainting #haiku