Only go show yourself to the , and offer the things commanded for your cleansing, as a to them.”
But when he left he proceeded to out freely, and to spread the word around.

#sdtps #priest #moses #testimony #speak #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

And a leper comes to the me, falling on his knees, and saying to the me,
“If you are willing, you can cleanse me.”
And filled with , the I reached out my and touched his forehead, and says to him,
“The I am willing. Be cleansed.”
And immediately the leprosy went away from him and he was . And the I admonished him, saying,
“See that you do not tell a thing to anyone.

#sdtps #compassion #hand #cleansed #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

And rising up very early, in the predawn, the I went outside and went off to a place to be able to more to the God. And my found the me, and they are saying to the me,
“Everyone is for you!”
And the I says to them,
“Let us go somewhere else, to the nearby and , so the I may there also. For that is why the I have come.”

#sdtps #solitary #listen #deeply #disciples #looking #towns #villages #teach #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

And when had come; when the had set, and the I was in a , they were bringing to the me all who had an , and those being tormented by predators. Indeed it seemed almost as if the entire was gathered at the . And the I healed many who were ill with various , and many mind predators the I expelled; and the I would not allow the predators to , because they knew the me.

#sdtps #evening #sun #house #illness #mind #town #door #diseases #speak #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

Have you come to destroy me? I know who you are!” And the I rebuked it, saying,
“Be and come out of him!” And the mind predator shook him violently back and forth and came out of him, shouting very loudly. And all were astonished, such that they were it, saying,
“What is this? A new , with ? He even commands the mind predators, and they obey him.”
And immediately the went out about the me throughout the near regions.

#sdtps #quiet #discussing #teaching #authority #report #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

And we enter into , and having gone straight into the on the , the I began to . And all who were there were amazed at my , because the I was teaching them, they said, as one having , and not like the scholars. And right then, there was a man in their who was of a mind predator. And it cried out to the me, saying,
“What business do you have with me, , you Sepphorisian?

#sdtps #capernaum #synagogue #sabbath #teach #teaching #authority #torah #possessed #jesus #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

Departing from the I went about , Syro-Phoenicia, and enthusiastically proclaiming with of heart and clarity of mind, the news of the soon to become indwelling of the God among people: the indwelling of the One God Above All Gods.
And the I carefully called unto the me twelve : six and six . And every step of the way was the I them.

#sdtps #transjordan #galilee #samaria #joyfulness #good #disciples #men #women #teaching #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

And the I remained there in the scrub and sand lands for two moons; there being by Predadictatorial, and was with no being to keep the me company save the little birds of the and the of the habitats. And the hued skies of day; the and of night were my delight.

#sdtps #tempted #human #air #animals #sun #moon #stars #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

And the as if in speaking, spoke to my , saying, “You are a beloved of mine; in you am I greatly pleased.” And John spoke to those who were there about, saying:
“This is the one, this is he whom I have so oft spoke of. Listen to him for he is made flesh.” And right away, the I was as if, picked up by the great bird and brought forth into the wilderness of .

#sdtps #bird #heart #messiah #goodness #transjordan #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

And with finding him, he baptized the me in the , for the I wished too to commit myself to more profoundly living a life. And going up out of the water, the I immediately saw the high blue of day opening, and the against the starry appeared to be as like unto a great translucent .

#sdtps #jordan #moral #sky #sun #heavens #bird #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

And he would , saying,
“After me is coming someone more than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you in , he will do so in .”
And it was coming about in those days that the I, having for a number of years, left my of in , accordingly sought John out.

#sdtps #teach #powerful #water #words #hometown #sepphoris #galilee #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

Peoples of , , , and were going out to him, even coming up from were they, and were getting baptized by him in pools therein. And unlike the me, John was dressed in camel skins, with a leather belt around his waist, and eating locusts and wild .

#sdtps #judea #galilee #samaria #decapolis #perea #jerusalem #honey #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

The I one of of clearly state that herein is carried my true and consistent as written in my own hand from the time of my appearing on a bank of the River to my post-resurrection on the outskirts of .
John the Baptizer appeared along by the waters of the River; proclaiming a baptism to earnestly commit oneself to living a life.

#sdtps #jesus #sepphoris #galilee #testimony #jordan #jerusalem #moral #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

Wonderful words spoken to my disciples and the me, of by Greek and , Thessalosdoras of Thessalonica whom we met and supped with in the city of Pella, on the eastern bank of the River.

#sdtps #jesus #sepphoris #philosopher #poet #jordan #tibtm

Last updated 2 years ago

“As I gaze into the momentary of dawns and eves; into the of the midnight and the midday hours, come I this abiding therein to perceive: we humans are neither alphas nor omegas, but deltas; neither beginnings nor endings are we, but doorways.”

#sdtps #visions #mysteries #truth #tibtm #alpha #omega #beginning #ending

Last updated 2 years ago

Here begins sequentially from the work: “The I Be The Me” Earnestly commit to living a moral life. A Post-Resurrection Testimony by a one Jesus of Sepphoris. The Living Record.

#sdtps #tibtm #storytelling #narrative #dialogue #prose #teaching #testimony #moral #reflection #record

Last updated 2 years ago