#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #ncaa #cfl #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #cflom #cflgame #cflplus #CFLonTSN #ticats #TigerCats #HamiltonTiCats #hamiltontigercats
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - September 08th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
September 08th 2023
HAM +4.5 🥠🥠🥠🥠🥠🧧🧧🧧🧧🧧
GOOD LUCK TO ALL except those phoney cowardly cowering clitturing p⁵4lifer ratturdly🐀💩 stooge🤡 vitterd kingmoments3220 nation loving frauds FUCK 'EM AHAHA🍻
Hey @EnikkLies matthew d hiding out in Reading Pennsylvania kingmoments3220 mattymoments mattmoments fatty matty lice vitterd queen clitty king vitch fatty weinstein ya heinous shitstained chin anus or whatever you changed your name to now ya creepy old pervy pathetic fucking cowardly cowering clittering p⁵4lifer hideout goof guess what...? THAT'S RIGHT YA #vitched Ottawa today 🐀💩 YA EARLESS PIECE OF SHIT SO IT WAS YET ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER EASY WINNER FOR THEGX BEST BET O' THA DAY THREAD TODAY AHAHA SO GO FUCK YOURSELF AND STAY OFF OUR FORUM🖕🤌
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #ncaa #cfl #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #cflom #cflgame #cflplus #cflontsn #ticats #tigercats #hamiltonticats #hamiltontigercats
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #ncaa #cfl #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #ticats #HamiltonTiCats #hamiltontigercats #TigerCats #cflom #CFLonTSN #cflplus #cflgame
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - September 08th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #ncaa #cfl #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #ticats #hamiltonticats #hamiltontigercats #tigercats #cflom #cflontsn #cflplus #cflgame
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: :Argos: #Argos #PullTogether 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #TORvHAM @cfl
TOR Touchdown
#12 C.Kelly rush right for 2 yards gain to the HAM00 TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:02 4th Qtr
TOR 31-13
#cflom #cfl #argos #pulltogether #ticats #torvham
FL :cfl: :Argos: #Argos #PullTogether 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #TORvHAM @cfl
HAM trying to keep in touch.
TOR 24-13
#argos #pulltogether #ticats #torvham
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: :Argos: #Argos #PullTogether 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #TORvHAM @cfl
TOR Touchdown
Shotgun #12 C.Kelly pass complete short right to #86 D.Coxie for 7 yards to the HAM00 TOUCHDOWN, clock 01:57 3rd Qtr
XP missed.
TOR 24-10
#cflom #cfl #argos #pulltogether #ticats #torvham
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: :Argos: #Argos #PullTogether 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #TORvHAM @cfl
Via Sickos Committee @SickosCommittee
Ham Cats struggling so far. Backup warming up, see below
#cflom #cfl #argos #pulltogether #ticats #torvham
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: :Argos: #Argos #PullTogether 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #TORvHAM @cfl
HAM not dead yet.
HAM Touchdown
Shotgun #0 T.Powell pass complete deep middle to #17 T.Godwin for 17 yards to the TOR00 TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:08, 3rd Qtr
2PC fails.
TOR 17-10
#cflom #cfl #argos #pulltogether #ticats #torvham
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: :Argos: #Argos #PullTogether 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #TORvHAM @cfl
TOR Touchdown
Shotgun #12 C.Kelly pass complete deep middle to #80 D.Daniels for 31 yards to the HAM00 TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:18, 1st Qtr
TOR 17-0.
Time to go for a walk ...
#cflom #cfl #argos #pulltogether #ticats #torvham
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: :Argos: #Argos #PullTogether 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #TORvHAM @cfl
TOR Touchdown
Shotgun #33 A.Harris rush middle for 2 yards gain to the HAM00 TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:09 1st Qtr
TOR 10-0
#cflom #cfl #argos #pulltogether #ticats #torvham
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: :Argos: #Argos #PullTogether 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #TORvHAM @cfl
TOR Field Goal (Made)
#14 B.Bede field goal attempt from 28 yards GOOD (H: #29 J.Haggerty, LS: #47 A.Guillemette), clock 11:13 1st Qtr
TOR 3-0
#cflom #cfl #argos #pulltogether #ticats #torvham
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: 🦁 #BCLions #RoarLikeNeverBefore 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #HAMvBC @cfl
HAM Field Goal (Made)
#33 M.Liegghio field goal attempt from 28 yards GOOD (H: #26 K.Vedvik, LS: #58 G.Whyte), clock 04:20
HAM 23-6
#cflom #cfl #bclions #RoarLikeNeverBefore #ticats #pulltogether #hamvbc
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: 🦁 #BCLions #RoarLikeNeverBefore 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #HAMvBC @cfl
HAM Touchdown
Shotgun #0 T.Powell pass complete short left to #9 J.Butler for 12 yards to the BC00 TOUCHDOWN, clock 05:33, 3rd Qtr
HAM 17-6
#cflom #cfl #bclions #RoarLikeNeverBefore #ticats #pulltogether #hamvbc
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: 🦁 #BCLions #RoarLikeNeverBefore 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #HAMvBC @cfl
BC Field Goal (Made)
#10 S.Whyte field goal attempt from 22 yards GOOD (H: #11 S.Flintoft, LS: #45 R.Pickett), clock 09:26 3rd Qtr
HAM 10-6
#cflom #cfl #bclions #RoarLikeNeverBefore #ticats #pulltogether #hamvbc
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: 🦁 #BCLions #RoarLikeNeverBefore 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #HAMvBC @cfl
Field Goal (Made)
#10 S.Whyte field goal attempt from 42 yards GOOD (H: #11 S.Flintoft, LS: #45 R.Pickett), clock 00:00
HAM 10-3 Half time.
#cflom #cfl #bclions #RoarLikeNeverBefore #ticats #pulltogether #hamvbc
Great game so far, despite the low score. A well-played chess match, as opposed to the error-filled mess last night between the Argos and Calgary.
Best game I've seen the #Ticats play so far this year. Great gameplan, with Scott Milanovich calling the game with his rookie QB in mind.
🏈 #CFLOM :greycup: #CFL :cfl: 🦁 #BCLions #RoarLikeNeverBefore 🐯 #TiCats #PullTogether #HAMvBC @cfl
Field Goal (Made)
#33 M.Liegghio field goal attempt from 32 yards GOOD (H: #26 K.Vedvik, LS: #58 G.Whyte), clock 02:38 2nd Qtr
HAM 10-0
#cflom #cfl #bclions #RoarLikeNeverBefore #ticats #pulltogether #hamvbc
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #cfl #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #ticats #TigerCats #HamiltonTiCats #hamiltontigercats #cflom #CFLonTSN
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - August 17th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #cfl #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #ticats #tigercats #hamiltonticats #hamiltontigercats #cflom #cflontsn