#RailFirms admit elderly and disabled at risk of crime if ticket offices close: "Documents written by the rail companies themselves lay bare the true impact of the railway #TicketOfficeClosures on disabled, elderly and vulnerable passengers."
#railfirms #ticketofficeclosures
August at PigPen 🌞 PKU, brain injury, mental health.
- NSPKU Fundraising activities round up & conference details released
- Results of my #Sapropterin trial
- Clear guidelines on returning to school after #Concussion
- Have your say on #TicketOfficeClosures.
- https://mailchi.mp/8138c4b53d97/pigpen-newsletter-pku-brain-injury-and-mental-health-9116836
#sapropterin #concussion #ticketofficeclosures
The Tories are building a railway in Turkey! No we aren't they say, we're underwriting a loan for Turkey to build a railway! So if they don't pay, we end up liable then? Err...it's good for our economy, our expertise and equipment is being used to build the railway! So we're building a railways for Turkey then? What about our ticket offices? We can't afford those! But if Turkey doesn't pay? Errr...#DamoRants #TicketOfficeClosures
#DamoRants #ticketofficeclosures
The state of our railways in the UK. Now another government method of targeting another marginalised section of our society.
Illustration by Tourettes Hero: https://www.touretteshero.com/
Update, 26 July 2023: Consultation on mass closure of railway station ticket offices in England has been extended to 1 September.
The RMT union has a campaign page with links to submit a template email to each of the railway companies.
#saveticketoffices #ticketoffices #railways #ticketofficeclosures
The fact that Turn Up And Go was made out to be this super progressive feature, when that's how it should have been to start with, says a lot about how train services view disabled folks.
Now they want to remove that basic equality.
Tough shit, because I'm turning up and I'm going.
#TurnUpAndGo #TicketOfficeClosures #SaveTicketOffices
#turnupandgo #ticketofficeclosures #saveticketoffices
UK folks, the consultation on the closure of ticket offices at railway stations to replace staff with ticket machines closes on the 26th if you want to leave your comments.
Ticket Office closures – the truth behind the spin
>On the 5th of July, the Rail Delivery Group announced a 21-day consultation exercise regarding their proposals to close just short of 1,000 ticket offices across the country. In their rush to push …
#railways #uk #TicketOffices #ticketofficeclosures #staffing
#railways #uk #ticketoffices #ticketofficeclosures #staffing
#ticketofficeclosures This is the page where you can comment on the proposed closure of rail ticket offices in the UK. https://www.transportfocus.org.uk/ticket-office-consultation/ #NationalRail
#ticketofficeclosures #NationalRail
@SolentSun The fundamental problem is the ticket machine software cannot deliver all the tickets. I had a problem at Brighton, where the machines are not able to issue any Railcard related purchases. You can only get them from a ticket office. #TransportFocus are coordinating the consultation. Fill in the form at http://www.transportfocus.org.uk with this example. #ticketofficeclosures
#transportfocus #ticketofficeclosures
Today's news of closure of UK rail ticket offices requires two things to happen first. 1. Replace the station ticket machines with ones that reliably work 2. Replace the software that is simpler and clearer to use.
Buying a ticket from a machine in Italy is so much easier even as a non-Italian speaker. In fact from any machine elsewhere in Europe! #BritishRail #tickets #ticketofficeclosures #ticketoffice
#britishrail #tickets #ticketofficeclosures #ticketoffice