I started skateboarding and surfskating in May this year. This is the progress I have made in skateboarding in 3 months time, (or actually 2.5 months).
tags: #skateboarden #skateboard #skateboarding #sk8 #vooruitgang #progress #learning #ollie #fakie #dropin #halfpipe #bowlriding #bowl #amsterdam #thenetherlands #nederland #holland #tictac #kickturns #kickturn180 #pumptrack #beginner #diary #skateboarddiary #skateboardingdiary #journal
#journal #skateboardingdiary #skateboarddiary #diary #beginner #Pumptrack #kickturn180 #kickturns #tictac #holland #nederland #thenetherlands #amsterdam #bowl #bowlriding #halfpipe #dropin #fakie #ollie #learning #progress #vooruitgang #sk8 #skateboarding #skateboard #skateboarden
The San Diego "tictac" being discussed in congress is very important. The "Occam's razor" argument seems to have flipped. Doesn't a claim that Russia or China has instant-looking propulsion without heat emissions now carry a burden of proof?
#uapmastodon #uap #tictac #oversightcommittee
#TicTac fim de uma rede…
"Os perfis, elencados pelo governo, mostravam não só imagens de crianças agredidas, como ameaças e músicas enaltecendo ataques a escola. Mas o Twitter ignorou as colocações."
Resposta do #Twitter: emoji de fezes.
#ufo #tictac #california
Tic Tac UFO ‘With No Visible Means Of Propulsion’ Caught On Camera Over California
#ufo #tictac #california
Tic Tac UFO ‘With No Visible Means Of Propulsion’ Caught On Camera Over California
#ufo #tictac #california
Tic Tac UFO ‘With No Visible Means Of Propulsion’ Caught On Camera Over California
#tictac #norad https://www.wsj.com/articles/flying-object-shot-down-over-canada-on-trudeaus-orders-a9e638e9
Exciting times to live in
playing around with the new #CORTEXIMPLANT doodle feature. This is my rendition of an f-22 chasing down an extra dimensional alien #tictac #uap over Canada.
¿Dónde están la #casta, las #puertasgiratorias, la #rentaBásica, los #círculos, el #tictac, los de #abajo, el #régimendel78, la #nuevapolítica...?
#casta #puertasgiratorias #rentabasica #circulos #tictac #abajo #regimendel78 #nuevapolitica #up #iu #podemos #sumar #mp
The only lesson I’ve learned from #TicTac is that I could honestly live in #Madonna ’s bathroom. #Gay #Lifestyle #TinyHouse
#tictac #madonna #gay #lifestyle #tinyhouse
The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 required the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, to submit an annual report to Congress on unidentified aerial phenomena. ODNI submitted the classified annual report to Congress and published the unclassified annual report.
#Alien #UFO #UAP #TicTac