Ich bin seit gestern Besitzer einer Mobvoi TicWatch Pro 5 und bin sehr begeistert. Mit Pulsmessung und all dem Fitnesszeug rechnet man ja, aber Flightradar24 und eine Würfelapp auf der Uhr habe ich nicht zu hoffen gewagt. Full Nerdout!
#ttrpg #TicWatch #Mobvoi #TicWatchPro5 #smartwatch #android
#ttrpg #ticwatch #Mobvoi #ticwatchpro5 #smartwatch #android
Erstmal gucken, ob auch alles funktioniert. Und dann bekommst Du AsteroidOS 😜
@richardbloomfield seems to be gone on WearOS 3.5. Or, at least, there's an option to disable that on #Ticwatch Pro 5.
ブログ更新:TicWatch Pro 5 簡易レビュー ー Wear OS 3.5搭載スマートウォッチの中ではベストな選択肢の一つ
#かのあゆブログ #TicWatch
Got a #TicWatch pro 5... I can't say the initial user experience was good 😭 (leave the phone charging overnight for an update to start downloading? Wtf?) but the device is very nice.
Mobvoi Introduces Highly Anticipated TicWatch Pro 5, Most Powerful TicWatch to Date
#technews24h #tech #technology #gadgets #mobvoi #ticwatch #smartwatch
#technews24h #tech #technology #gadgets #mobvoi #ticwatch #smartwatch
Wenn das so kommt, dann ist für mich persönlich #Mobvoi und die #TicWatch (ich hatte bis jetzt noch keine, finde die Modelle aber sehr interessant) an sich echt gestorben.
"Wear OS 3 für TicWatch E3 und TicWatch Pro 3 Ultra: Mobvoi nennt neuen Zeitplan nach massiver Kritik - Notebookcheck.com News"
Tu mesures la pertinence d'une #smartwatch (que j'ai fait la gaffe d'acheter, en passant) quand...
... ça prend une demi-seconde avant que le chrono démarre.
... l'écran s'éteint et que t'es incapable de presser le bouton d'arrêt quand tu dois stopper le chrono.
... tu essaies de répondre à un SMS en tapant sur un clavier gros comme une pièce de 2 dollars
... tu avais oublié de la mettre en sourdine et que tu reçois une belle alerte en meeting.
... etc. 🙄
#androidwear #ticwatch #smartwatch
I recently purchased a #ticwatch pro 3 (not ultra) as there was a good "new, like new" price for it on amazon. It doesn't have the latest wear os (rumor is that it is due for it), but that wasn't my motivation for getting it. It was the battery life. I only have it about a day, so more time is needed to form my thoughts. But so far so good :)
2015 (Pebble Time)...2022 (Ticwatch Pro 3 GPS)
#PebbleTime #Pebble #Ticwatch #TicwatchPro3GPS #uglychristmassweater #smartwatch
I like what I like, I guess. LOL!
#pebbletime #Pebble #ticwatch #ticwatchpro3gps #uglychristmassweater #smartwatch
I've had smartwatches for a good while now. Started with Pebble, Pebble Color, Asus Zenwatch II, Mobvoi TicWatch E3, and now PixelWatch and I never used the Google assistant because it was slow and clunky. I happened to mess with it last night on my the Pixel Watch and wow it is quick and super easy. Like it's a game changer. Instead of yelling at Alexa, now I can quietly talk to my watch.
#pixel #Gadget #pixelwatch #smartwatch #google #pebble #ticwatch #mobvoi #asus #zenwatch
#pixel #Gadget #pixelwatch #smartwatch #google #Pebble #ticwatch #mobvoi #asus #zenwatch
I've been waiting to see what Google would come up with but the #Pixel watch is still challenged by Mobvoi's #TicWatch