Astronomers discover a luminous nuclear transient
"[A] group of astronomers led by Sam Oates of the University of Birmingham, U.K., has conducted follow-up Swift observations of a gravitational wave alert known as S190930t in order to find its electromagnetic counterpart."
#J221951 #S190930t #Swift #UVOT
#luminousNuclearEvent #gravatiationalWaveAstronomy
#tidalDisruptionEvent #TDE #activeGalacticNucleus #AGN #astronomy #science #space
#j221951 #s190930t #swift #uvot #luminousnuclearevent #gravatiationalwaveastronomy #tidaldisruptionevent #tde #activegalacticnucleus #AGN #astronomy #Science #Space
Gizmodo: Astronomers Surprised By a Distant Black Hole Roaring Back to Life #europeansouthernobservatory #intermediatemassblackhole #supermassiveblackhole #activegalacticnucleus #tidaldisruptionevent #samanthaoates #sagittariusa #mattnicholl #blackhole #astronomy #galaxies
#europeansouthernobservatory #intermediatemassblackhole #supermassiveblackhole #activegalacticnucleus #tidaldisruptionevent #samanthaoates #sagittariusa #mattnicholl #blackhole #astronomy #galaxies
A Candidate Relativistic #TidalDisruptionEvent at 340 Mpc: -> Investigating a Bright #Flare in a Nearby #Galaxy:
#galaxy #flare #tidaldisruptionevent
Scary Barbie - An Extremely Energetic, Long-Duration #TidalDisruptionEvent Candidate Without a Detected Host Galaxy at z = 0.995: -> Uncovering a star’s demise - supermassive black hole tears apart a giant star in a display brighter, more energetic and longer lasting than any observed before:
Astronomie: Schwarzes Loch verschlingt gleichen Stern in mehreren Etappen
Einem Forschungsteam ist eine besondere spektakuläre Entdeckung gefunden: Ein Schwarzes Loch, das einem Stern mehrfach Teile entreißt, ohne ihn zu verschlingen.
#Astronomie #Astrophysik #erosita #schwarzesLoch #stern #tidaldisruptionevent
#astronomie #astrophysik #erosita #schwarzesloch #stern #tidaldisruptionevent
Astronomers witness unprecedented corona formation, evolution around black hole #tidaldisruptionevent #astrophysics #blackholes #astronomy #at2021ehb #featured #uncrewed #nustar #nicer #other #swift #ztf
#tidaldisruptionevent #blackholes #uncrewed #nicer #astrophysics #at2021ehb #featured #nustar #other #astronomy #swift #ztf
A Black Hole Consumed a Star and Released the Light of a Trillion Suns #supermassiveblackhole(smbh) #tidaldisruptionevent #time-domainastronomy #relativisticjets #blackholes #transients #astronomy #stars
#relativisticjets #blackholes #astronomy #supermassiveblackhole #time #transients #stars #tidaldisruptionevent
Astronomie: Fernste Zerstörung eines Sterns durch ein Schwarzes Loch beobachtet
Verschlingen Schwarze Löcher Sterne, entstehen dabei manchmal Strahlenjets. Dass diese die Erde erreichen, ist noch einmal seltener. Jetzt wurde einer entdeckt.
#Astronomie #Astrophysik #ESO #VLT #schwarzesLoch #tidaldisruptionevent #News
#schwarzesloch #tidaldisruptionevent #news #astronomie #astrophysik #eso #vlt
Guide to Transient Astronomy #core-collapsesupernovae #superluminoussupernovae #supernovaprogenitors #tidaldisruptionevent #gravitationalwaves #type1asupernovae #typeiisupernovae #fastradiobursts #gamma-raybursts #radioastronomy #variablestars #whitedwarfs #supernovae #magnetars #gw170817 #kilonova #guides #novae #grbs #rrat #agn #frb #tde
#core #superluminoussupernovae #supernovaprogenitors #tidaldisruptionevent #type1asupernovae #typeiisupernovae #variablestars #radioastronomy #whitedwarfs #supernovae #magnetars #gw170817 #kilonova #guides #novae #grbs #rrat #agn #frb #tde #gravitationalwaves #fastradiobursts #gamma