Borax is the new Tide Pods and poison control experts are facepalming - Enlarge / A box of borax—not for eating. (credit: Getty | Lauren A. Little) ... - #tidepodchallenge #churchofbleach #poisoncontrol #boraxtrain #healthfads #health #bleach #poison #tiktok #borax
#borax #tiktok #poison #bleach #health #healthfads #boraxtrain #poisoncontrol #churchofbleach #tidepodchallenge
1 do the leave the same"streak free" clean?
2 do they taste the same?
What if the #TidePodChallenge was just a social experiment to prove that boomers will believe anything as long as it:
A) shames millennial and
B) helps their favorite daytime TV personality tell shitty jokes