Unleash the power of TidyDensity in R! Analyze empirical distributions effortlessly with tidy_empirical() and tidy_four_autoplot(). Discover insights and visualize data like never before. 📈🔍


#datavisualization #dataanalysis #tidydensity

Last updated 1 year ago

📣 Exciting news! TidyDensity 1.2.5 is here, empowering you with advanced data visualization tools. Explore new features, improved precision, and a seamless workflow. Upgrade now and unlock the power of data! 🚀💡

#upgrade #datavisualization #tidydensity

Last updated 1 year ago

This is part 5 and the final part in this series. Please enjoy, steal the code and modify for yoruself!

• Choose between entering your own data or selecting from one of several built-in functions

• Select the type of plot you want to see (density, quantile, probability, QQ, or MCMC)

• Choose to use Plotly for interactive visualizations

Post: spsanderson.com/steveondata/po

#distributions #Technology #innovation #dt #plotly #ggplot #ggplot2 #tidydensity #shiny #OpenSource #RStats #r

Last updated 1 year ago

This Shiny app is built using the TidyDensity package in R, and allows users to explore various probability density functions by specifying the function, number of simulations, and sample size. The app provides an interactive and user-friendly way to generate density plots and view the underlying data.

Post: spsanderson.com/steveondata/po

#Code #Software #shiny #tidydensity #tidyverse #innovation #Technology #OpenSourceCommunity #opensourcesoftware #RStats #r

Last updated 1 year ago

Looking to analyze FAANG stocks? Check out this exciting R Shiny app! Well it won't really give a full or even close to a full analysis but it shows how you can make a very simple shiny app to analyze some data.

Post: spsanderson.com/steveondata/po

#Data #learning #densityplot #stockreturns #logreturns #stocks #faang #shiny #dt #dplyr #tidydensity #tidyquant #Software #OpenSource #RStats #r

Last updated 1 year ago

@wviechtb they we say use TidyDensity and the function tidy_normal() with .num_sins set to some n and get r, d, p, and q returned in a all together for nice

#Data #tiday #tidaydata #tibble #tidydensity

Last updated 2 years ago