Having a good purge of stuff from the flat. Turns out I hadn't cleared the linen cupboard since I moved in 24 years ago. But I had bought new sheets and towels on numerous occasions... Filled the car with stuff for the tip, recycling centre and charity shops. Yet, the flat looks no less full. I'm either bad at packing the car or good at packing the flat! #Tidying #SpringCleaning #YesIKnowItsSummerHere
#yesiknowitssummerhere #springcleaning #tidying
Telling a person they should keep their place #tidy by themselves is literally the most unoriginal way to help them. Like yes I am aware I need to #clean up but telling me I should do it myself when I need help doesn’t #help at all.
#neurodivergent #autistic #cleaning #Tidyup #tidying
#tidy #clean #help #neurodivergent #Autistic #cleaning #tidyup #tidying
I just bought Maria Condo's book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. Just got it for fun really, but already I've thrown out masses of totally unnecessary, might-come-in-useful stuff. Nice fabric scraps, art materials I haven't used in twenty years, all my negatives - why keep negatives when they have all been scanned?
#iphonephotography #clutter #tidying #mightcomeinuseful
The snarky "Hey, even Marie Kondo is messy these days" thing is ... kind of silly.
I think her premise of only burdening yourself with things that bring you #joy is a valuable one ... now, as she shows, balanced by realizing that free time (or time spent with family doing something other than #tidying ) is *also* something that brings joy.
Like all elements of life, finding a #balance is a good thing.
Starting to clear out a couple of decades of accumulated bumf on my computer desk, prior to slotting in my new desktop. It’s like archaeology with stratigraphy. Fairly near the top are loads of #Irish #genealogy BMD certificates as I traced my great granny. Then further back in time, thru my #Dundee Uni #PhD and my research assistant work. Even found my original AHRB award letter. Will continue another day. It’s a huge task, and I’m really weak. But it is good to get it done. #TidyingUp #Tidying
#tidying #tidyingup #phd #dundee #genealogy #irish
Cleaning up the apartment, rearranging a bit of furniture, prepping a roast for dinner, a little day drinking. 😘
Made my husband watch "Beetlejuice" last night. He had never seen it, due to a personal vendetta against Michael Keaton, after MK said he didn't understand adults who read comics. Admits it's a good movie DESPITE both Michael Keaton and Tim Burton. #sunday #tidying #beetlejuice
I am EXHAUSTED. This was such an emotionally draining process. The “after” doesn’t look all that much better than the “before,” possibly because — as Marie Kondo says — one should not own more than 40 books.
#tidying #booklover #shelfie #books
Been good and gone through my bookshelves. Found eight books to pass on.
That means I can shop for replacements, right?
#tidying #bookstodon #reading #books
Remember: care tasks like #cleaning and #tidying have no moral weight. They're there for you, to give you a useful space that makes you happy. You deserve that and therefore you deserve the time and energy it takes to make that happen for you. However that happens or what that looks like is fine. It's a process. You're doing great
It’s that time of year when I decide I *really* must sort out the storage of my cables and electronics bits and pieces.
So: inspire me! Show me the best way you store and organise this kind of stuff. What neat tricks are there?
#organisation #cables #tidying
New Video Up!
Applying Ideas From The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up #minimalism #tidying #konmari #books
#minimalism #tidying #konmari #books
Kiki & Jax
Kiki & Jax: The Life-Changing Magic of Friendship is a simple and easy to understand expression of the core of Marie Kondo's philosophy and I'll be happy to share it when I read together with my daughter.
#tidying #mariekondo #children