While doing teaching prep for a computational linguistics class, updating the scripts to include the new native pipe operator |>.
Did a little meta-analysis of my own #RStats scripts and the relative use of either pipe: change in progress! #tidyverse #ggplot2
Looks like folks currently prefer teaching #tidyverse summarizing using 'group_by |> summarize' over 'summarize(..., .by=)' by a margin of 3:1.
Here is my #viz for the #TidyTuesday challenge – W36. This one is about union membership in the United States, 1970-2022.
This week's data comes from the Union Membership, Coverage, and Earnings from the CPS.
📂: https://github.com/poncest/tidytuesday/tree/main/2023/Week_36
#rstats | #r4ds | #tidyverse | #dataviz | #ggplot2
#viz #tidytuesday #rstats #r4ds #tidyverse #dataviz #ggplot2
If you're teaching #rstats with #tidyverse this fall I definitely recommend taking at look at @minecr's excellent "Teaching the tidyverse in 2023"
Hey #rstats teachers - any thoughts on whether to teach
group_by |> summarize
or the new
summarize(..., .by =)
I suspect that .by will be easier for novices but also doesn't generalize well outside of #tidyverse since you have to group first in SQL, #Python, etc.
#TidyTuesday week 36: US union wages
🔗: https://github.com/borstell/tidytuesday/tree/main/2023/2023-09-05
#RStats #tidyverse #ggplot2 #dataviz
#dataviz #ggplot2 #tidyverse #rstats #TidyTuesday
The @R4DSCommunity welcomes you to week 36 of #TidyTuesday! We're exploring Union Membership in the United States!
📂 https://tidytues.day/2023/2023-09-05
🗞️ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/irel.12330
#tidytuesday #rstats #dataviz #pydata #tidyverse #r4ds
Do you need better performance than what the standard #tidyverse functions have? {collapse} might be worth a look: https://sebkrantz.github.io/collapse/ #rstats #optimization
#tidyverse #RStats #optimization
being able to use unite() and starts_with() simplified a very messy data issues I was having. Thank you #tidyverse #r
@geospacedman true. For me #tidyverse and #ggplot2 are synonym for #R, as I just use it for data wrangling and plotting.
#tidyverse `across` question: The documentation for `across()` says it can be used with any tidyverse verb. I have a pretty good grasp of how it works with `mutate` or `summarize`, but I'm struggling with the syntax for using it with `separate_wider_delim()` on multiple columns. I have a bunch of `variable_1` `variable_2` columns that I want to separate in one go. #rstats
It's #TidyTuesday y'all! Show us what you made on our Slack at https://r4ds.io/join (find the #chat-tidytuesday channel)!
RT @jonthegeek https://fosstodon.org/@jonthegeek/110967484094299101
The @R4DSCommunity welcomes you to week 35 of #TidyTuesday! We're exploring Fair Use!
📁 https://tidytues.day/2023/2023-08-29
📰 https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/
#tidytuesday #chat #rstats #dataviz #pydata #tidyverse #r4ds
#TidyTuesday week 35: Fair Use Index
🔗: https://github.com/borstell/tidytuesday/tree/main/2023/2023-08-29/
#dataviz #ggplot2 #tidyverse #TidyTuesday
The @R4DSCommunity welcomes you to week 35 of #TidyTuesday! We're exploring Fair Use!
📁 https://tidytues.day/2023/2023-08-29
📰 https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/
#tidytuesday #rstats #dataviz #pydata #tidyverse #r4ds
It feels like pkgdown::build_site() should have its own roxygen2 roclet. Is there a reason this hasnt been made? Am i about to waste a weekend? #rstats #softwaredevelopment #tidyverse
#rstats #softwaredevelopment #tidyverse
@mdsumner besides the #tidyverse , {targets} is the most important package I use. @landau thought of everything!
I demonstrated a few use cases for our grads (debugging a #ggplot2 error, asking #ChatGPT to list all the helper functions for the "select" function in the #tidyverse, translate Stata code to #rstats, etc).
But my absolute favorite example was when I prompted ChatGPT to write a song about data manipulation in the style of Taylor Swift. See results below...
#rstats #tidyverse #chatgpt #ggplot2
We’re thrilled to announce the release of webR 0.2.0!
This release gathers together many updates and improvements to webR over the last few months, including improvements to the HTML canvas graphics device, support for Cairo-based bitmap graphics, accessibility, and internationalization improvements, additional Wasm #RStats package support (including #Shiny), a new #webR REPL app, and various updates to the webR developer #API.
Read more on the #tidyverse blog: https://www.tidyverse.org/blog/2023/08/webr-0-2-0/
#rstats #shiny #webr #api #tidyverse
It's #TidyTuesday y'all! Show us what you made on our Slack at https://r4ds.io/join (find the #chat-tidytuesday channel)!
RT @jonthegeek https://fosstodon.org/@jonthegeek/110927841830345540
The @R4DSCommunity welcomes you to week 34 of #TidyTuesday! We're exploring Refugees!
📁 https://tidytues.day/2023/2023-08-22
🗞️ https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/insights/explainers/refugees-r-package.html
#tidytuesday #chat #rstats #dataviz #pydata #tidyverse #r4ds
I am an heavy user of the #tidyverse for interactive analysis, but #rstats package dev... Nah.
A package / #Shiny app developed in the last couple of years is now breaking in three different functions because rlang three dots changed (I think?). Cue serious time spent refactoring code for reasons.
Lesson learned, it's base R or #data.table for some stable code from now on.
Mind you, I will still use and advise using the tidyverse but it comes it a massive "here be dragons" sign.
#tidyverse #RStats #shiny #data