I'd love to hear what has been your favorite @tidy_explained episode so far!
With 156 episodes, there is lots to pick from!
I am proud of what @OSPpatrick and I have made, and look forward to continuing to learn and share with our community!
Hit a pretty big milestone today - 3k subscribers to #TidyX!
When I started this project with Patrick Ward, I wasn't sure how long it would go or if there was even anyone that would watch.
Thrilled to get here and looking forward to what's next. Our viewers are the best!
If you've been enjoying the latest #TidyX series on creating a shiny model builder, check out some of our earlier content!
In episode 25 Patrick Ward and I did an introduction to shiny, and in episodes 26 and 27 we created a shiny version of the 538 CARMELO tool!
As the series finale, we had the shiny man himself, Eric Nantz, join us to discuss shiny and go through a fun app he made!
Check out #TidyX Episode 150 with @OSPpatrick !
We continue our shiny model builder series, this time focusing on making sure to protect our users. We demonstrate 2 methods to ensure your users can't select the outcome as a predictor!
Join @OSPpatrick and I for episode 146 of #TidyX!
#shiny is a great tool for empowering your users, but how do they get that data they worked to curate and view?
Enter download handlers! We show 2 methods for downloading content
#tidyx #shiny #rstats #datascience
#TidyX Episode 144 is about nested for loops!
Join @OSPpatrick and I for more on loops, this time simulating data! We show how to iterate over multiple combinations of variables, generating data, modeling it, and extracting the values for later use
#TidyX Episode 142 is now live!
Join @OSPpatrick and I for an episode where we cover 4 ways for you to pull data from an artesian home brewed k-fold regression in a for loop!
These concepts can be broadly applied to a variety of situations.
Learn about Function Factories in #TidyX Episode 141!
Join @OSPpatrick and I as we do an intro to how function factories are used commonly, and you have used them without even knowing! We then inspect their structure!
Join @OSPpatrick and I for episode 140 of #TidyX!
We answer a question from a viewer on how to display data from a dataframe in a single column. Patrick and I show a few ways we interpreted the question and approaches to solve it!
How can you be lazy and still have your reports be run and shared with stakeholders every morning.
Cron jobs!
Check out #TidyX Episode 135 with @OSPpatrick where we show how to make a report run automatically every day on github.
TidyX 129 was just recorded and will be posted tonight at midnight. Looking forward to hopefully spready some holiday cheer.