Random Old Comic: Something I Read On The Internet 20 Years Ago https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2019/07/10/something-i-read-on-the-internet-20-years-ago/ Something I Read On The Internet 20 Years Ago #Bazooka #CobraCommander #CrystalBall #Flint #GIJoe #LadyJaye #PsycheOut #Tigatron #Transformers https://www.facebook.com/815217756713386/posts/893671435534684?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#bazooka #cobracommander #crystalball #flint #gijoe #ladyjaye #psycheout #tigatron #transformers
I feel like #Cheetor was the perfect surrogate for kids watching #BeastWars. He was the #Maximals' resident teenager: cool, cocky, and overconfident, but had his heart in the right place and looked up to the adults (#OptimusPrimal and #Tigatron).
We saw him "grow up" as the show progressed (marked neatly by his #transmetal evolutions). Then, in #BeastMachines, he took up responsibility for the team and grew into a respectable leader when Optimus lost himself.
#cheetor #beastwars #maximals #optimusprimal #tigatron #transmetal #beastmachines #transformers
Random Old Comic: Wings https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/05/21/wings/ #xp Another old fandom joke. #Airazor #Blurr #Tigatron #Transformers
#xp #airazor #blurr #tigatron #transformers
Random Old Comic: Airazor https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/05/21/airazor/ #xp Old fandom joke. #blurr #tarantulas #tigatron #transformers
#xp #blurr #tarantulas #tigatron #transformers
Random Old Comic: Wreck and Rule https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/06/25/wreck-and-rule/ #xp #broadside #pyro #spark #springer #tapout #tigatron #topspin #transformers
#xp #broadside #pyro #spark #springer #tapout #tigatron #topspin #transformers
Random Old Comic: Just Imagine the Music https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2019/07/24/just-imagine-the-music/ #blackpanther #catwoman #cheetor #dc #gijoe #geoffrey #howlback #kraven #marvel #raptor #razorclaw #redtiger #tigatron #transformers
#blackpanther #catwoman #cheetor #dc #gijoe #geoffrey #howlback #kraven #Marvel #raptor #razorclaw #redtiger #tigatron #transformers