@didier #tigervnc on #linux and a universal client that works on #mac (.jar file)
TigerVNC. Servidor VNC en Manjaro #vnc #tigervnc #manjaro #lxde https://ugeek.github.io/blog/post/2023-01-06-tigervnc-servidor-vnc-en-manjaro.html
@RL_Dane @tranzystorek_io I'd also give #voidlinux a recommendation. Packaging extra stuff for it is fairly easy - I did that for what I needed 5 years ago. It has been solid on an infrequently updated old system that I passed on to my kids when the pandemic started. Had I had lots of time to prepare it for them, I'd likely have gone with something more mainstream but there's been no need to change. I would also recommend giving #tigervnc a go instead of realvnc if the server allows.
TIL #tigervnc on #pinephone #pmos but failed.
Firstly i ran vncpasswd but it had no prompt so i tried so many ways before success ;
Then running #vncserver cmd while the errors came about #sxmo init scripts; nor did run with root (sxmo init sh doesn't allow running in root and it is appended to the start of Xorg).
So I gave up for now. I tried to connect the phone to an external monitor but it sometimes has display for seconds...
#tigervnc #pinephone #pmos #VNCServer #sxmo
I tried #tigervnc today from macOS to LineageOS with #UserLand ! And so far feeling cool ! I think it is sufficient!
UserLand is awesome!
¿Buscas un buen sistema de virtualización?
Conoce #TigerVNC
El sistema que permite iniciar e interactuar con aplicaciones gráficas en máquinas remotas, proporcionando extensiones para métodos de autentificación avanzados y cifrado TLS.
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@opensuse Tumbleweed Snapshots this week bring #Salt3000, #LLVM10, update of #tigervnc - https://bit.ly/34KGO07
All I need to make #Windows usable is #SublimeText, the #PuTTY suite and #TigerVNC.
That way I don't have to use Windows at all...
#tigervnc #putty #sublimetext #windows
Excellent #FLOSS #VNC tool: #TigerVNC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TigerVNC