エロカワコンビ🐰💋明日花キララ©︎&森咲智美©︎🍒夢のコラボ🥺💕 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1776987/gravure-idols/
#LAドレス #sapporocollection #Tika #オフショット #グラドル #グラビア #グラビアアイドル #サツコレ #サツコレ23SS #サツコレSS #ティガ #ドレス #ファッションショー #モデル #ロングドレス #明日花キララ #札幌コレクション #札幌ファッションショー #森咲智美
#laドレス #sapporocollection #tika #オフショット #グラドル #グラビア #グラビアアイドル #サツコレ #サツコレ23ss #サツコレss #ティガ #ドレス #ファッションショー #モデル #ロングドレス #明日花キララ #札幌コレクション #札幌ファッションショー #森咲智美
During the #WhyXLost #Survivor44 season wrap-up podcast, Voce surprised the rest of us by revealing he didn’t know the #ThreeStooges were actually a real thing! 😲 (Also the #Tika 3 nickname.) We had to explain it to the youngster. Today’s TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81ACJbh/
If you’d rather watch us on YouTube as a Short, have at it: https://youtube.com/shorts/1ZGnJKR3qkg?feature=share
Be sure to catch up on the FULL podcast: https://robhasawebsite.com/survivor44-whyblanklost-postseason/
#Survivor #RHAP #SurvivorFinale #CBSSurvivor #RealityTV #TV #TVShow
#tvshow #tv #realitytv #cbssurvivor #SurvivorFinale #rhap #survivor #tika #threestooges #survivor44 #whyxlost
During our #Survivor44 wrap-up #podcast several listeners asked which of the #Tika 3 best represents a member of the actual #ThreeStooges. We agreed on 1 but not the other 2! My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRoWm7sb/
You can also see us debate this important matter as a YouTube Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/juofZAmzjb8?feature=share
And if you haven’t watched/listened yet, catch up on the FULL season wrap-up podcast: https://robhasawebsite.com/survivor44-whyblanklost-postseason/
#Survivor #SurvivorFinale #CBSSurvivor #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow
#tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #cbssurvivor #SurvivorFinale #survivor #threestooges #tika #podcast #survivor44
Sometimes #JeffProbst sees a completely different game in his own head compared to what actually happened. At the beginning of the #Survivor44 Finale he claimed alliances were always shifting. No, the game was controlled by one alliance that NEVER shifted. 1st TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRoB2RvJ/
You can also see me remind Jeff of this fact about the season in YouTube Short format: https://youtube.com/shorts/1OGqRoi7Izw?feature=share
#Survivor #SurvivorFinale #WhyXLost #RHAP #CBSSurvivor #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #tika
#tika #tvshow #tv #realitytv #cbssurvivor #rhap #whyxlost #SurvivorFinale #survivor #survivor44 #jeffprobst
Looking back at this TikTok from over 3 weeks ago (a viewer reminded me about it) and it was a heck of a prediction from Frannie: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTREsh7SC/
#Survivor44 #Survivor #SurvivorFinale #WhyXLost #RHAP #CBSSurvivor #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #Tika
#tika #tvshow #tv #realitytv #cbssurvivor #rhap #whyxlost #SurvivorFinale #survivor #survivor44
After the votes had been cast at the #Survivor44 #TribalCouncil, Carolyn noticed that Yam Yam seemed upset. Then she was confused at getting votes. Then she had no idea what was going on when he STILL acted weird after Jaime left. I have an idea why. 2nd TikTok today: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTREAfFYp/
You can also see confused Carolyn and forlorn Yam Yam as a YouTube Short if you prefer: https://youtube.com/shorts/TMTbGAFYrDo?feature=share
#Survivor #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #yamyam #carolynwiger #tika
#tika #carolynwiger #yamyam #tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #survivor #tribalcouncil #survivor44
#Survivor44 Carson gave himself and his #Tika allies a pat on the back with high compliments for getting to this point in the game! Of course he was right but it was still funny to hear his description of their own game. Today’s 2nd TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTREFt1EL/
Or you can hear from Carson about how well Tika has played as a YouTube Short if you prefer: https://youtube.com/shorts/8Ke15IP3u68?feature=share
#Survivor #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #carsongarrett #carolynwiger #strategy #strategygames #strategygame
#strategygame #strategygames #strategy #carolynwiger #carsongarrett #tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #survivor #tika #survivor44
At #JeffProbst ’s urging, #Survivor44 Jaime continued the incorrect narrative about people working together for just 1 day. Meanwhile the #Tika alliance — who’ve been together since the start — continue to dominate! My latest TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKveurd/
And you can also watch this misread as a YouTube Short if you prefer: https://youtube.com/shorts/Z4syMnGp60s?feature=share
#Survivor #WhyXLost #RHAP #RealityTV #TV #TVShow #strategygames #strategygame #strategy
#strategy #strategygame #strategygames #tvshow #tv #realitytv #rhap #whyxlost #survivor #tika #survivor44 #jeffprobst
New blog post, in which I review and test some options for extracting unformatted text from #EPUB files in Python, using #Apache #Tika (via #Tika-python), #Textract and #EbookLib.
Includes link to Git repo with demo scripts.
#ebooklib #textract #tika #apache #epub
Yesterday I re-ran a script I made a few weeks ago that extracts text from some EPUB files with #Apache #Tika. To my surprise the output was slightly different from the original run (adding some garbage text to the end of the file), even though I was using the same Tika version!
Turns out this is because by default, Tika OCRs any embedded images if it finds a Tesseract installation. Apparently I installed this as part of some other software after I first ran the script.
【千葉県勝浦市守谷海水浴場】関東屈指の海水透明度!エメラルドグリーンに輝く海水&柔らかい天然砂浜🏖が美しい超穴場ビーチ💕 https://www.alojapan.com/700798/%e3%80%90%e5%8d%83%e8%91%89%e7%9c%8c%e5%8b%9d%e6%b5%a6%e5%b8%82%e5%ae%88%e8%b0%b7%e6%b5%b7%e6%b0%b4%e6%b5%b4%e5%a0%b4%e3%80%91%e9%96%a2%e6%9d%b1%e5%b1%88%e6%8c%87%e3%81%ae%e6%b5%b7%e6%b0%b4%e9%80%8f/
千葉県勝浦市守谷海水浴場に行ってきました♪🏖 日本の快水浴場百選にも選出されているビーチ⛱ (※関東からの選出は7カ所だけです) 関東屈指の海水透明度🌊は本当に美しかった です💕 【守谷海水浴場】 https://maruchiba.jp/sys/data/index/page/id/7713 【ジンギスカン料理 庭】 https://s.tabelog.com/chiba/A1207/A120701/12052545/ #守谷海水浴場 #海水浴 #キャンピングカー
#Chiba #Chibadestinations #Chibatour #Chibatravel #Chibatrip #Chibavacation #TIKA #キャブコン #ギャル #キャンピングカー #きれいな海 #バンライフ #ビキニ #勝浦ビーチ #千葉 #守谷 #守谷海岸 #快水浴場百選 #水着 #水着ギャル #車上暮らし #車上生活 #車上生活カップル #車上生活女子 #車中泊 #車中泊カップル #車中泊女子
#守谷海水浴場 #海水浴 #キャンピングカー #chiba #chibadestinations #chibatour #chibatravel #chibatrip #chibavacation #tika #キャブコン #ギャル #きれいな海 #バンライフ #ビキニ #勝浦ビーチ #千葉 #守谷 #守谷海岸 #快水浴場百選 #水着 #水着ギャル #車上暮らし #車上生活 #車上生活カップル #車上生活女子 #車中泊 #車中泊カップル #車中泊女子
Does anyone use #PREMIS (or something else) to store file format flavors (pdf/a rather just pdf) and what system or program created that file in their repos? Example info from #JHOVE or #tika. @hardyoyo
@mickylindlar #digitalpreservation
#premis #jhove #tika #digitalpreservation
Java News Roundup: More Log4Shell Statements, Spring and Quarkus Updates, New Value Objects JEP
#java_news roundup dec20 2021 #Development #Architecture_& Design #DevOps #Open_JDK #Quarkus #Java #JDK #Apache_Camel #Tika #JDK_19 #Hibernate_ORM #Project_Loom #JDK_18 #log4j
#log4j #JDK_18 #Project_Loom #Hibernate_ORM #JDK_19 #tika #Apache_Camel #jdk #java #quarkus #Open_JDK #devops #Architecture_ #development #java_news