ITM @jitsi
Staff Party tomorrow so both me pubs are shut,means I'm pulling a later one lurking on the jizzies whilst slyly slinging a Bat Signal out there.
I'll be seeing ya there... > https//
Btw if you can't get through the password its the lower case version of a popular Gitmo Nation greeting.
ITM @jitsibot
I'm wondering wtf I gots ta toot that horn rather than hit up @jitsi with a bat signal .
Nevermind that no one wants to hit up the vitual meet-up. I will always have 'Dark Side of the Wu'
ITM Omnis!
Do not let limitations set your ambition. Each and everyone of us is but the sum of potential realised borrowed against the parts of what is to become. Measure your intentions by that which you do.
You are what you do multiples more than being what you want or consider yourself to be. Heed the reaction of your external reality when seen through the lens of your internal viewpoint. May @jitsi endure every bat signal thrown at it.
ITM gungans!
I am hittin' up le @jitsi for some late night birthday after party funsies with no bat signal in sight. password is our quizCha but if you get stuck do lemme know and I'll point you in the direction of butter made of soap. Thank you it has been quite some time since I came up with an EOS mix for the #Gitmo NAtion My next one is entitled "Stop The Hammering"
As for you, should you wish to formulate your idea's and have them reasonably challenged do check of the No Agenda @jitsi sect.
We are the philosophical arm of this lovely little digital kingdom
Some days all it takes is someone to Bat Signal it up. And the most engaging of conversations can materialise from next to nothing
@billybon3s ITM bro! don't forget us No Agendans are only a hop skip and a jump away on @jitsi and all you need to do to spring us into interesting unending conversation is put a bat signal up
ITM yardbirds!
What are YOU doing?
Your #KoK here is drinking #KoKish cider & beer adding episodes of No Agenda, , Smashcast and absNA6pack to IMDb whilst my free thirty day 'pro' trial lasts whilst lurking on le @jitsi . Keeping watch over the room for nasty trolls who can't work out the bat signal isn't for them, that's if they can get past the extensive security measures in place, which considering their IQ, is highly doubtful.
#kok #KoKish #tikameme #uearntit
ITM undergarters!
Currently your #KoK here is occupying #juJitsiland population: 1
Come on now last time some rando hit up the no agenda @jitsi room they left to check out my Bat Signal podcast { } and I never sawed em ever again ahh shoot
deep meaningful discourse with a resident of the heel of No Agenda gitmo NAtion is an amydala shrinking even init.
#kok #jujitsiland #tikameme #youearntit
@Boo_BuryMothman @SirSpencer @sirseatsitter @Lennoxxreverb @CarBlanez33 @Laurien @sobr @darrenoneill @ThatLARRYSHOW thanky you @SirBemrose for all that ye do.
ITM spongebuckets!
In my search for 'competent employees' the divine inspiration of the universe has sent me a Gen-Z'r whose moniker is simply 'TJ'.
I've know the geezer for a good fortnight now and last night decided he was ripe for a mouth-hittin' NA style.
"Where can I find this NA show? Spotify? YouTube?"
He asked holding his iPhone...
I said "I dunno"
iOS new podcast app users... What's a good recommendation for my new cohort to sample.
ITM hunks!
the algo heard me talking with a punter about @jitsi and bob lazaar on JRE and whatever Bat Signal so im watching yootoob and there it is on the right.
Kinda dawned upon your #KoK here that the machine is always listening and if not constantly entertained it will dispose of you
ITM Brutus!
Long night slow low... Had a potential answer to my prayers turn up in the form of someone who requires employment and seems 'competent' @jitsi at the job of working in my pubs Bat Signal this is of course good news.
ITM blunderbuss'!
what whaaaaat, an empty @jitsi over at is makin' your #KoK here pull out a good olde Bat Signal to wake you mofo's up
come join me for a chit chat over at the or depending on your location and such.