For Hawaii’s Governor, a Balancing Act With No Margin for Error
Great story about the governor of #Hawaii in the current crisis.
Also, one side note is that Governor Green is #Jewish. Looking at the story of his life, I can't help but be impressed by how much his life has been focused on #TikkunOlam.
#hawaii #jewish #tikkunolam #mazeldon #jewdiverse
1971, Boston College. It’s raining. Dean of Students Father Harrahan rushes out to lower the American flag, bunching it up in a ball. Jim Foy and I run out, take the flag away and fold it properly. He is amazed and asks us -2 student radical leftists- where we learned to fold the flag. We answer simultaneously “Girl Scouts”, “Boy Scouts.”
And now he knows where all radical leftists are “groomed” - to love the country we believe it has the potential to become. #TikkunOlam.
Hey! I am a queer trans neurodivergent artist surviving in a garage on disability. if you want to help me out I appreciate it. Hope to have an illustrated fantasy novel out soon. Check out my ko-fi gallery if interested! Thanks. :yell: :heart_ace:$leahluvu
#ArtistSupport #TikkunOlam #TransCrowdfund #DisabledCrowdfund #NeurodivergentCrowdfund #Fantasy #Punk #Queer #Illustration #Art
#Art #illustration #Queer #Punk #fantasy #neurodivergentcrowdfund #disabledcrowdfund #transcrowdfund #tikkunolam #artistsupport
Shabbat Shalom!
We have a new design that states a fundamental Jewish concept: Tikkun Olam, to help repair or heal the world.
#BuyIntoArt #Jewish #Hebrew #Judaism #JewishGifts #SocialAction #SocialJustice #Mitzvah #Tzedakkah #TikkunOlam #ShabbatShalom #Mazeldon
#Mazeldon #shabbatshalom #tikkunolam #tzedakkah #mitzvah #socialjustice #socialaction #jewishgifts #judaism #hebrew #jewish #buyintoart
RT @TheTNHoller
WATCH: “Thank you for being a role model for the young.”
As the #TennesseeThree arrived at the White House a group of Jewish students from across 🇺🇸 were there on a tour, and they were thrilled to meet @brotherjones_. #TikkunOlam
Heya I still need all the help I can get as always. Prefer boosts from fellow poor peeps tbh. I am disabled, live in a garage, don't talk to my conservators and haven't eaten today... thanks. :blobhaj_blanketslate: :heart_pride: :autism:$leahluvu
#MutualAid #TikkunOlam #TransCrowdfund #DisabledCrowdfund #Neuroqueer
#neuroqueer #disabledcrowdfund #transcrowdfund #tikkunolam #MutualAid
Hi! :yell: I'm a neurodivergent, disabled, queer trans jewish crusty punk living in a garage on disability and trying to eat and stay warm daily while saving money with my art to move away from an abusive situation. I am writing an illustrated fantasy book I'd love to spend more time on. If you want to help me stay safe and make my dreams come true, I will not disappoint you!! Also I have stickers for sale! :yell_reverse: :heart_trans: :bi_cycle: :autism:$leahluvu
#MutualAid #TikkunOlam #TransCrowdfund #DisabledCrowdfund #Neuroqueer
#neuroqueer #disabledcrowdfund #transcrowdfund #tikkunolam #MutualAid
Jennifer Lynch, the daughter of #DavidLynch wrote and directed a charmingly droll movie called "Surveillance."
It stars one of my favorite actors Bill Pullman.
In the beginning was the BROKEN CODE... through IT all things were SHAPED; without IT nothing was SHAPED that has been made.
#davidlynch #gnosticism #tikkunolam #prettygnosticmachine #demiurge
just a neurodivergent trans jewish girl feeling hopeless and alone and stuck in an abusive disability situation and living in a cold garage (after being evicted from disabled housing) still nursing a hurting concussive assault head and frostbitten feets on this #TDoV :overwhelmed: hope i can imagine being free and happy and safe some day. unfortunately that is illegal on this planet. change my mind...?? :blobcatscream:$leahluvu
#TransCrowdfund #DisabledCrowdfund #ArtistSupport #TikkunOlam #Trans #MutualAid
#tdov #transcrowdfund #disabledcrowdfund #artistsupport #tikkunolam #trans #mutualaid
hi! i'm trans, neurodivergent, jewish, a survivor, and living on disability in an abusive and triggering situation. if you could boost this or send what you can it will all help me stay warm and safe! thanks. :animeGirl: :anfem_heart:
donate links:$leahluvu
#TransCrowdfund #DisabledCrowdfund #ArtistSupport #TikkunOlam
#transcrowdfund #disabledcrowdfund #artistsupport #tikkunolam
heyy maybe if you boost this someone will toss me some money on my ko-fi in pinned?? i'm trans, neurodivergent, living on disability, and can use all the help i can get just to stay warm tbh. also i have cool stickers.
cashapp me if easier..
thanks!! :blobhaj_blanket: :trans_heart:
#TransCrowdfund #TikkunOlam #DisabledCrowdfund
#transcrowdfund #tikkunolam #disabledcrowdfund
i am currently wrapped in a blanket because i don't have clean warm clothes to wear. could use more blankets too tbh. it just snowed and my exterior walls are sheet metal. if you want to help me do something with my life, at all, and have the means to, please do. but i am fine, really. thanks. :animeGirl: :trans_heart: #TransCrowdFund #ArtistSupport #TikkunOlam #DisabilityJustice
#transcrowdfund #artistsupport #tikkunolam #disabilityjustice
Me and Reform Judaism are so simpatico.
The 72 Names of God: The Secret Power of the #Kabbalah
yo, i set up a ko-fi! give me the bobas. :animeGirl: :anfem_heart:
#ArtistSupport #TikkunOlam #TransCrowdfund #FantasyPunk #FoxDeer #Music #Art #Writing
#artistsupport #tikkunolam #transcrowdfund #fantasypunk #foxdeer #music #art #writing
As for the left-wing moralist and the #gnostic in me, I'm utterly convinced of the following: The existence of just one Adolph Hitler is proof enough that there is something *inherently* wrong with *our* universe, and that it needs to be rectified.
Way back that Pretty Hate Machine!
Nine Inch Nails - Down In It (R-Rated Video)
Before you can be Sophianically up above it,
You must be Demiurgically
#NineInchNails #PrettyHateMachine
#IJustMadeYouUpToHurtKnow Myself
#nineinchnails #prettyhatemachine #trentreznor #moderngnosticism #gnosis #tikkunolam #apocatastasis #prettygnosticmachine #thezappareznorharmonicoscillator #thetheateranditsgnosticdouble #ijustmadeyouuptohurtknow #strapondildos
But most of all, we see the imagination at work in our
principle of #TikkunOlam (repairing the world), because it is not enough for us to accurately see the world as it is today, but rather we must also use our imaginations to imagine what the world could be, and how we might take action to bring
this vision into reality.
@kabrams @hypergraphia @where_the_rider You had me at "#TikkunOlam is praxis." Pleased to make your acquaintance.
@ajackson @bestoneTX @bnjd1837
"Is it Hasidic tradition that holds that mitzvahs are actually acts that are helping heal the brokenness of creation?
Yes, and not just in #Hasidic Judaism. This idea is mainstream idea in any form of Judaism that accepts any part of #Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism.) This is part of #TikkunOlam in Jewish theology (which is often partially misrepresented)
#hasidic #kabbalah #tikkunolam