I've been working on making my latest #fursuit the Cavram 4.0, and for videos of progress and #diy #crafting on that full body suit I've been making some #tiktoks like this one
#fursuiter #fursuitmaker #fursuithead #3dprinted #3dprintedmask #movingjaw #maker
#fursuit #diy #crafting #tiktoks #fursuiter #fursuitmaker #fursuithead #3dprinted #3dprintedmask #movingjaw #maker
Okay, ich werde in der Hölle landen, aber ich hab‘ Tränen gelacht: https://proxitok.pussthecat.org/@placeholder/video/ZGJQnnkSv #TikToks
Looks like the folks behind #instagram are creating a new app called #Artifact - seems like a mashup between #TikToks algorithm and a news aggrigator.
I can't help but think this will become a really terrible echo chamber.
#SocialMedia #Technology #tiktoks #artifact #Instagram
the #repackaging of #old #misogynistic #ideas that #younger #generations #think they’ve #outgrown into #buzzword-filled #tiktoks and #tweets that will be #pushed #towards #young #impressionable #people is #extremely #dangerous. #But also extremely #funny #like #you can’t get this #anywhere else
#repackaging #old #misogynistic #ideas #younger #generations #think #outgrown #buzzword #tiktoks #tweets #pushed #towards #young #impressionable #people #extremely #dangerous #but #funny #like #you #anywhere
In honor of #FridayThe13th here's some of my #PamelaVoorhees #TikToks
#cosplay #horror #80sSlashers
#fridaythe13th #pamelavoorhees #tiktoks #cosplay #horror #80sslashers
RT @raffiovalentina
Como hoy es día de regalos y me siento especialmente generosa os comparto mis #Tiktoks favoritos para hablar, con mucho arte y humor, sobre crisis climática. Y atentos porque la selección es ✨una fantasía✨
Protocols and #Fediverse aside, #Pixelfed is a better platform for creatives and artists than #Instagram. Your images are much larger and look nicer, you can share other's work (boost and be boosted), and Zuck' isn't flooding your timeline with #TikToks. I don't know how the #economics of storing and transferring all that data are going to work out in the long term, but we'll find out.
#fediverse #pixelfed #instagram #tiktoks #economics
Where's the #tiktokers ? Gimme your #TikTok name and I'll drop by, maybe I'll even follow.
#Chinas Regierung habe jedoch bereits Interesse gezeigt, auf #TikToks #Datensammlung zuzugreifen, hieß es weiter. Sie könne Nutzer in den USA ausspionieren oder sogar erpressen. Die App sei letztlich ein "Trojanisches Pferd" Chinas. https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/tiktok-klage-indiana-datensicherheit-jugendschutz-101.html
#chinas #tiktoks #datensammlung
#Chinas Regierung habe jedoch bereits Interesse gezeigt, auf #TikToks #Datensammlung zuzugreifen, hieß es weiter. Sie könne Nutzer in den USA ausspionieren oder sogar erpressen. Die App sei letztlich ein "Trojanisches Pferd" Chinas. https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/tiktok-klage-indiana-datensicherheit-jugendschutz-101.html
#chinas #tiktoks #datensammlung
#aheago #cosplay #girl #kawaii #egirl #grungeaesthetic #grunge #fyp #furry #furryart #zootopia #bunny #コスプレ #cosplayer #Cosplayers #gamergirl #uwu #cute #meow #nsfw #onlyfans #patreon #gumroad #tiktok #tiktoks #TiktokNow #instagram #new #anime #prettygirl #senpai #oniichan #waifu #waifus #onelove #hentai #nsfw #sexy #Like #follow #FolloMe #boost #boostme #love #nsfw #mastodon #mastodontips #mastodón #twitter #twittermigration #twitterexodus #migration
#aheago #cosplay #girl #kawaii #egirl #grungeaesthetic #grunge #fyp #furry #furryart #zootopia #Bunny #コスプレ #cosplayer #cosplayers #gamergirl #uwu #cute #Meow #nsfw #onlyfans #patreon #gumroad #tiktok #tiktoks #TikTokNow #instagram #new #anime #prettygirl #senpai #oniichan #waifu #waifus #onelove #hentai #sexy #like #follow #follome #boost #boostme #love #mastodon #mastodontips #twitter #twittermigration #twitterexodus #migration
tell me onii chan💗
do you like bunnies? :blobcatheart:
#furry #furryart #zootopia #bunny #コスプレ #Cosplay #cosplayer #Cosplayers #gamergirl #uwu #cute #meow #nsfw #onlyfans #patreon #gumroad #tiktok #tiktoks #TiktokNow #instagram #new #anime #prettygirl #senpai #oniichan #waifu #waifus #onelove #hentai #nsfw #sexy #Like #follow #FolloMe #boost #boostme #ahegao #love #nsfw #mastodon #mastodontips #mastodón #twitter #twittermigration #twitterexodus #migration
#furry #furryart #zootopia #Bunny #コスプレ #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayers #gamergirl #uwu #cute #Meow #nsfw #onlyfans #patreon #gumroad #tiktok #tiktoks #TikTokNow #instagram #new #anime #prettygirl #senpai #oniichan #waifu #waifus #onelove #hentai #sexy #like #follow #follome #boost #boostme #love #mastodon #mastodontips #twitter #twittermigration #twitterexodus #migration #ahegao
Good boy POD! i love you💗
2B #NieRAutomata cosplay :apartyblobcat:
#2B #ニーアオートマタ #コスプレ #Cosplay #cosplayer #Cosplayers #niercosplay #2bcosplay #gamergirl #uwu #cute #meow #nsfw #onlyfans #patreon #gumroad #tiktok #tiktoks #TiktokNow #instagram #new #anime #prettygirl #senpai #oniichan #waifu #waifus #onelove #hentai #nsfw #sexy #Like #follow #FolloMe #boost #boostme #sissy #dickgirl #love #nsfw #mastodon #mastodontips #mastodón #twitter #twittermigration #twitterexodus #migration
#nierautomata #2b #ニーアオートマタ #コスプレ #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayers #niercosplay #2bcosplay #gamergirl #uwu #cute #Meow #nsfw #onlyfans #patreon #gumroad #tiktok #tiktoks #TikTokNow #instagram #new #anime #prettygirl #senpai #oniichan #waifu #waifus #onelove #hentai #sexy #like #follow #follome #boost #boostme #sissy #dickgirl #love #mastodon #mastodontips #twitter #twittermigration #twitterexodus #migration
#ADHDers #asdadhd #adhdcreative #chaoticbisexual #etsymcr #creativeproblems #tiktoks
. /)/)
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#konnichiwa #hello #gamergirl #bigasss #assgamer #uwu #cute #meow #nsfw #onlyfans #patreon #patreoncreator #gumroad #tiktok #tiktoks #TiktokNow #instagram #new #anime #prettygirl #senpai #oniichan #waifu #waifus #Photomonday #Fotomontag #onelove #hentai #nsfw #sexy #Like #follow #FolloMe #boost #boostme #sissy #dickgirl #love #nsfw #mastodon #mastodontips #mastodón #twitter #twittermigration #twitterdown #twitterexodus #migration #hi #history
#konnichiwa #hello #gamergirl #bigasss #assgamer #uwu #cute #Meow #nsfw #onlyfans #patreon #patreoncreator #gumroad #tiktok #tiktoks #TikTokNow #instagram #new #anime #prettygirl #senpai #oniichan #waifu #waifus #Photomonday #Fotomontag #onelove #hentai #sexy #like #follow #follome #boost #boostme #sissy #dickgirl #love #mastodon #mastodontips #twitter #twittermigration #twitterdown #twitterexodus #migration #hi #history