Artificial turf or grass? How important is it to have a designated small dog park area? Let ARPD know your top priorities for a new dog park facility at Clement/Tilden Park with this survey.
#arpd #dogs #alameda #DogPark #TildenWay #ClementAvenue #ClementAvenueTildenWayImprovementProject
#arpd #dogs #alameda #dogpark #tildenway #clementavenue #clementavenuetildenwayimprovementproject
Join Alameda Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft and the City Council for a site tour of the proposed Clement Avenue/Tilden Way project next Wednesday, March 15. The item was moved from March 7 consent calendar to March 21 City Council agenda to allow for more community participation.
#Alameda #RoadDiet #Community #TildenWay #CityCouncil #ClementAvenue #Participation #ClementAvenue/TildenWayImprovementProject
#alameda #roaddiet #community #tildenway #citycouncil #clementavenue #participation
Alameda Citizens Task Force requests reclassification of the Clement Avenue/Tilden Way project in order to require a Staff presentation, allow questions from Councilmembers, and give an opportunity for public comments.
#Alameda #TildenWay #CityCouncil #ClementAvenue #AlamedaCitizensTaskForce #AlamedaCitizensTaskforce #ClementAvenue/TildenWayImprovementProject
#alameda #tildenway #citycouncil #clementavenue #alamedacitizenstaskforce