I gave the airplant a trim, or killed it, before the weekly soak. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's been here 6 years or so 🤷
Presenting: the epiphyte shelf. Roots are expressly forbidden here. #HouseplantsOfMastodon #StaghornFern #AirPlants #Tillandsia
#houseplantsofmastodon #staghornfern #airplants #tillandsia
:thinkhappy: 似乎在中间长出了新的叶子 @plants #Tillandsia #airplant #planturday #联邦宇宙云种植
#tillandsia #airplant #planturday #联邦宇宙云种植
我本来没想这就分株的。但是,一拿出来浇水,它就脱开了。它可能也有自己的想法,我应该尊重 #planturday #Tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨 @plants :kusa:
#planturday #tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨
我本来没想这就分株的。但是,一拿出来浇水,它就脱开了。它可能也有自己的想法,我应该尊重 #planturday #Tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨 @plants
#planturday #tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨
我本来没想这就分株的。但是,一拿出来浇水,它就脱开了。它可能也有自己的想法,我应该尊重 #planturday #Tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨 @plant
#planturday #tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨
我本来没想这就分株的。但是,一拿出来浇水,它就脱开了。它可能也有自己的想法,我应该尊重 #planturday #Tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨 @plants
#planturday #tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨
#planturday #Tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨 @plants
#planturday #tillandsia #airplant #空气凤梨
Die kommende Frühjahrstagung findet vom 16. bis 18. Juni 2023 bei Jan Zima in Chlumec nad Cidlinou in Tschechien statt.
Tagungsort: Jan Zima, Fügnerova 263/IV, CZ – 50351 Chlumec nad Cidlinou, Tschechien
#dbg #bromelien #bromeliad #Tillandsien #tillandsia
Too late for TillandsiaTuesday, but these airplants are putting on a show this week
#tillandsia #airplant #flowers
Ci si riprova con le #Tillandsia. Qualcuna/o di voi le conosce e alleva? Consigli? Grazie
Ieri giro al vivaio della coopLegnaia, dove c'è lo sconto sulle piante di natale (alcune poveracce proprio piene di brillantini e colorate artificialmente. Nonostante sia un bel vivaio, per natale diventano criminali come i fiorai. E c'è chi le compra le piante rovinate così. Bah).
Ho preso un mini asplenium, due bromelie con il ributto pronto, 7 Tillandsie di cui solo tre con l'indicazione della specie👇
@remotelygrace @tessgleason I have managed to bring back an orchid from the the brink and get it to bloom 3 times now, but I can not keep a #tillandsia alive at all.
tree in kea'au town completely colonized by #AirPlants (#tillandsia #epiphyte). this is one of the reasons why i'm a little bit terrified of bringing air plants home!
#airplants #tillandsia #epiphyte #hawai
@remotelygrace I’m hopeless with #tillandsia too. Can’t tell you how many I’ve killed either too much or too little water. I’m going to try #terrarium s again. And I bought a Venus fly trap - haven’t killed one of those for years :blobcatscream:
I might have a problem. #plants #HousePlants #tillandsia
#plants #houseplants #tillandsia
I might have a problem. #plants #HousePlants #tillandsia
#plants #houseplants #tillandsia
Recently I saw this little #butterfly and it stood still for a while and allowed me to take pictures! According to google lens it's a cracker butterfly. I love grey and brown butterflies and moths. I tend to gravitate to monochromatic beauties. 🤎
On the same trunk there's this patch of #moss #lichen and very small #bromeliads, which mastodon seems to enjoy! :ablobcatreachreverse:
Please have a nice day everyone!
#lepidoptera #Mosstodon #airplant #tillandsia #Epiphytes #tree
#butterfly #moss #lichen #bromeliads #lepidoptera #Mosstodon #airplant #tillandsia #Epiphytes #tree
Recently I saw this little #butterfly and it stood still for a while and allowed me to take pictures! According to google lens it's a cracker butterfly. I love grey and brown butterflies and moths. I tend to gravitate to monochromatic beauties. 🤎
On the same trunk there's this patch of #moss #lichen and very small #bromeliads, which mastodon seems to enjoy! :ablobcatreachreverse:
Please have a nice day everyone!
#lepidoptera #Mosstodon #airplant #tillandsia #Epiphytes #tree
#butterfly #moss #lichen #bromeliads #lepidoptera #Mosstodon #airplant #tillandsia #Epiphytes #tree