How about that !

Interview with Prof. about corporate and behind the , not the Ukraine proxy conflict.

"The future will be messy. It's going to be very complicated and messy, but I would argue that the process has already started. The world lost faith, lost trust in the global north during the pandemic."

#moneyPrinter #JayatiGhosh #profiteering #tillony #foodcrisis #inequality #rt #podcast #moneyPrinterGoDrr #covid #divest

Last updated 1 year ago

@RickiTarr @saharafang
The moneyPrinter enables the worst fascism. Are you not aware of the ? Bankers should have gone to prison.

Tillony is , it steals labour, and is what was intended to prevent . Central bank proponents conspired to create , and the world has persistently moved to ever since. Yes is bad, but now we have .

Bitcoin finally enables . Limits to corporate greed.

#gfc #theftonthegrandestofscales #soundmoney #tillony #thefed #fascism #goldMining #bitcoin #limitstogrowth

Last updated 1 year ago

There are words that relay the extreme gravity of a crime. Words like 'rape', 'murder', 'incest' and 'extortion' all have a visceral sense of how bad an act is.

If only we could determine a word like that for ''.

Words '' and '' are too weak. The term '' is not bad but has other meanings.

If 'usury' is for loanSharks — how about ''?

Or something named after the — like ''?

#wordsmithing #moneyPrinters #theft #slaver #humantrafficking #abusery #cantilloneffect #tillony #bitcoin

Last updated 1 year ago