I so love holding these #SurvivingTheFuture: #ConversationsForOurTime spaces.
Last night my first conversation with long-time hero #TimDeChristopher, today will be the #DeeperDive's first live session, with inspirational friend #NateHagens.
And the real joy of eight weeks with a small group of amazing others from around the world committed to exploring and walking meaningful paths through our times.
Feeling a lucky man!
#natehagens #deeperdive #timdechristopher #conversationsforourtime #survivingthefuture
From January, over 8 weeks, we'll build a small online community of 50 and discuss our times with the likes of #NateHagens, #StephenJenkinson, #IsabelleFrémeaux, #MarkBoyle, #SherriMitchell, #TimDeChristopher, #RobHopkins & #VandanaShiva.
I'll be running '#SurvivingTheFuture: #TheDeeperDive' through Vermont's #SterlingCollege.
25 places still available, and *all on a trust-based inclusive basis* to ensure money's no obstacle to participation.
Today's blog post on't:
#sterlingcollege #thedeeperdive #survivingthefuture #vandanashiva #robhopkins #timdechristopher #SherriMitchell #markboyle #isabellefremeaux #stephenjenkinson #natehagens