Seb · @seb_tmg
94 followers · 349 posts · Server

In today's session with deep Meditation we will be focusing on space and becoming more aware of space. An eye opening exercise that sets you on a path of new discoveries. The music we're going to use is of course from HemiSync and called "The Lotus Mind -


#meditation #meditationmusic #mindfulnessmeditation #musicmeditation #relaxingmusic #soundhealing #soundmeditation #time #timeandspace #verowellness #tmgcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Molly R in MO USA · @whatzaname
181 followers · 1053 posts · Server

@jonwesleyhuff Oh wow. I was the ultimate stuck at home with nothing but books kid. was my first STOS book and I bought each book offered, in order.
Eventually they would all be lost to but I remember how much joy I got from saving up for & reading, rereading, sharing & reading again everything up until when I discovered that book money was now money and had to stop.
It felt like forever, but lasted just a few impactful years

#theentropyeffect #bantam #timeandspace #dwellersinthecrucible #food

Last updated 2 years ago