Xyla :transgender: · @Xyla
186 followers · 350 posts · Server mas.to

What the junk, we got attacked close to our destination. After 8 hours of car travel I was ready for a rest stop, but this other group of three stopped our car with metal spikes

I got to see Devan and Bofadez in action (apparently that was a prank and his name is Julius.) Julius's pyromancy was basically a wave of really hot air, but Devan seemed to teleport and attack our assailants with a bat pretty handily. I'll have to update you on their appearance once I .


Last updated 2 years ago

akawee · @akawee
35 followers · 820 posts · Server troet.cafe

@Erdrandbewohner vielen Dank für den ins Jahre #1983 war mehr als nur eine Eintagsfliege. immer noch

#timejump #haysifantayzee #ilikeit

Last updated 7 years ago