Ooh, Pat Fleet! Was she the Time Lady?
We used to dial "popcorn" on the phone to get the current time. Maybe just the prefix, 767, and then any four digits.
And then Time Lady would come on the line and tell you the time!
#thingsweusedtodobutdontdonow #timelady
Supplemental ▫ After the Time War, the newly regenerated Romana finds herself in an alternate universe where the Doctor doesn't exist. ❤❤➕🔷 @juliet_landau @bbcdoctorwho #julietlandau #romanadvoratrelundar #romana #romana3 #timelord #timelady #gallifreyan #gallifrey #tardis #doctorwho #drwho #doctorwhouniverse #drwhouniverse #doctorwhofan #drwhofan #doctorwhofanart #drwhofanart #fan #art #friday #fridays #fanart #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
#fanartfridays #fanartfriday #fanart #fridays #friday #art #fan #drwhofanart #doctorwhofanart #drwhofan #doctorwhofan #drwhouniverse #doctorwhouniverse #drwho #doctorwho #tardis #Gallifrey #gallifreyan #timelady #timelord #romana3 #romana #romanadvoratrelundar #julietlandau
Supplemental ▫ After the Time War, the newly regenerated Romana finds herself in an alternate universe where the Doctor doesn't exist. ❤❤➕🔷 @juliet_landau @bbcdoctorwho #julietlandau #romanadvoratrelundar #romana #romana3 #timelord #timelady #gallifreyan #gallifrey #tardis #doctorwho #drwho #doctorwhouniverse #drwhouniverse #doctorwhofan #drwhofan #doctorwhofanart #drwhofanart #fan #art #friday #fridays #fanart #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
#fanartfridays #fanartfriday #fanart #fridays #friday #art #fan #drwhofanart #doctorwhofanart #drwhofan #doctorwhofan #drwhouniverse #doctorwhouniverse #drwho #doctorwho #tardis #Gallifrey #gallifreyan #timelady #timelord #romana3 #romana #romanadvoratrelundar #julietlandau