In CHANS, "people and nature interact reciprocally and form complex #feedback loops"
"When #complexity is not understood, people may be surprised at the outcomes of human-nature couplings". These "systems are not static; they change over time" [3]
"The #ecological and #SocioEconomic impacts of human-nature #couplings may not be immediately observable or predictable because of #TimeLags between the human-nature interactions and the appearance of ecological and socioeconomic consequence" [3]
#feedback #complexity #ecological #socioeconomic #couplings #timelags
In CHANS, "people and nature interact reciprocally and form complex #feedback loops"
"When #complexity is not understood, people may be surprised at the outcomes of human-nature couplings". These "systems are not static; they change over time" [3]
"The #ecological and #SocioEconomic impacts of human-nature #couplings may not be immediately observable or predictable because of #TimeLags between the human-nature interactions and the appearance of ecological and socioeconomic consequence" [3]
#feedback #complexity #ecological #socioeconomic #couplings #timelags
In CHANS, "people and nature interact reciprocally and form complex #feedback loops"
"When #complexity is not understood, people may be surprised at the outcomes of human-nature couplings". These "systems are not static; they change over time" [3]
"The #ecological and #SocioEconomic impacts of human-nature #couplings may not be immediately observable or predictable because of #TimeLags between the human-nature interactions and the appearance of ecological and socioeconomic consequence" [3]
#feedback #complexity #ecological #socioeconomic #couplings #timelags
In CHANS, "people and nature interact reciprocally and form complex feedback loops"
"When complexity is not understood, people may be surprised at the outcomes of human-nature couplings". These "systems are not static; they change over time" [3]
"The #ecological and #SocioEconomic impacts of human-nature #couplings may not be immediately observable or predictable because of #TimeLags between the human-nature interactions and the appearance of ecological and socioeconomic consequence" [3]
#ecological #socioeconomic #couplings #timelags
[RT @NREMHaifa]
New publication: Hocherman T, Trop T, Ghermandi A (2022) Introducing a temporal DPSIR (#tDPSIR) framework and its application to #marinePollution by #PET bottles. Ambio.
#DPSIR #marineLitter #precautionaryPrinciple #socialEcologicalSystems #timeLags
#tdpsir #marinepollution #pet #dpsir #marinelitter #precautionaryprinciple #socialecologicalsystems #timelags