Exposé Online · @exposeonline
45 followers · 283 posts · Server mas.to

New today: " is a Dutch band that started in the early 90s, and if Louise Brooks is anything to go by, their style is firmly in the accessible vein of the 80s bands that went before them. This is the most pop-inflected version of the style rather than the more complex Genesis-influenced version that was also widespread." expose.org/index.php/articles/

#progrock #exposeonline #neoprogressive #timelock #review

Last updated 1 year ago

I wish I could for a week on .

This thing is causing my brain .

If there was a button with an ability to set it to some specific time I'd choose 7 days and I'd press that but right now.

I've interacted with folk on and at least on one community you had the ability to "ban yourself" for an amount of time.

#lockmyaccount #mastodon #SocialMedia #distress #timelock #neurodivergent #discord

Last updated 2 years ago

Grant Gustin · @GrantGustin
102 followers · 6378 posts · Server popindustry.org


Last updated 2 years ago

If your provider goes offline but you've saved , access funds after has expired.

From what we know, they all do this.

The locks funds for an amount of time, eg. 6 months. Until a timelock expires no one can access the funds unless the 3rd-party signed-off on a successful 2FA check.

After the timelock expires however you can use the funds like you normally would, ie. without the third party.

In terms of (1/2)


#wallet #privatekeys #timelock

Last updated 3 years ago