Gizmodo: Get a Peek at Magic: The Gathering's New Doctor Who Set #magicthegatheringcommander #doctorwhocommanderdecks #regeneration #eighthdoctor #thirddoctor #tenthdoctor #fifthdoctor #firstdoctor #yasminkhan #doctorwho #timelords #themaster #companion #thedoctor #tyler #mark #deck
#magicthegatheringcommander #doctorwhocommanderdecks #regeneration #eighthdoctor #thirddoctor #tenthdoctor #fifthdoctor #firstdoctor #yasminkhan #doctorwho #timelords #themaster #companion #thedoctor #tyler #mark #deck
Gizmodo: Doctor Who's New Sonic Screwdriver Is a Blinding Throwback #entertainmentculture #christophereccleston #fictionaltechnology #sonicscrewdriver #fourteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #catharinetate #twelfthdoctor #platformgames #davidtennant #petercapaldi #eighthdoctor #fourthdoctor #screwdriver #ncutigatwa #donnanoble #doctorwho #timelords #thedoctor #sonic
#entertainmentculture #christophereccleston #fictionaltechnology #sonicscrewdriver #fourteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #catharinetate #twelfthdoctor #platformgames #davidtennant #petercapaldi #eighthdoctor #fourthdoctor #screwdriver #ncutigatwa #donnanoble #doctorwho #timelords #thedoctor #sonic
Gizmodo: How Doctor Who's Ncuti Gatwa Embodies the Doctor on Set and in Person #entertainmentculture #fourteenthdoctor #thirteenthdoctor #fifteenthdoctor #twelfthdoctor #eighthdoctor #milliegibson #ralphlauren #ninthdoctor #ncutigatwa #doctorwho #thedoctor #timelords #rumfitt #gatwa #tutsi #bella
#entertainmentculture #fourteenthdoctor #thirteenthdoctor #fifteenthdoctor #twelfthdoctor #eighthdoctor #milliegibson #ralphlauren #ninthdoctor #ncutigatwa #doctorwho #thedoctor #timelords #rumfitt #gatwa #tutsi #bella
Kotaku: OMG, Doctor Who Is Finally Going To Be Sexy #gaming #tech #kotaku #christophereccleston #fourteenthdoctor #thirteenthdoctor #patricktroughton #williamhartnell #fifteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #twiceuponatime #twelfthdoctor #jonathangroff #milliegibson #petercapaldi #eighthdoctor #davidtennant #tenthdoctor #ncutigatwa #doctorwho #mattsmith #timelords #thedoctor #tennant #doctors #gatwa #house
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #ChristopherEccleston #fourteenthdoctor #ThirteenthDoctor #patricktroughton #williamhartnell #fifteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #twiceuponatime #twelfthdoctor #jonathangroff #milliegibson #PeterCapaldi #eighthdoctor #davidtennant #tenthdoctor #ncutigatwa #doctorwho #mattsmith #timelords #thedoctor #Tennant #doctors #gatwa #house
Perception of #time is unique to each #individual
#Bobross and great artists alike are #timelords that express this concept of #art and #time in memorable portraits.
#time #individual #bobross #timelords #art
#pun #puns #wordplay #FiXatoPUNishes #doctorwho #drwho #timelords #pigs #porkypig
If you have never listened to a Big Finish Doctor Who audiobook! Correct your mistake!
#Drwho #Bigfinish #ScienceFiction #Timetravel #tardis #timelords #TV #Audiobooks #Audiodrama
#drwho #bigfinish #ScienceFiction #timetravel #tardis #timelords #TV #audiobooks #audiodrama
Now imagine if #MrFinch aka #BrotherLassar (so wonderfully portrayed by Sir #AnthonyHead) had made the #SkasisParadigm proposal to #TheDoctor later during his run, when he was travelling alone again, such as just before he faced the consequences of him acting as #TimeLordVictorious...
I'm quite sure he'd taking him up on his offer...
I think I would have liked to see a couple of episode with an alternate timeline where he was made that offer without his current and former ¹ companions to remind him of what's important to him.
¹ (it was so lovely to see #SarahJaneSmith again... Reminds me that I should still watch her spin-off series some day...)
#DoctorWho #DrWho #TimeLords #Gallifrey #SchoolReunion #DoctorWhoS02E03
#MrFinch #BrotherLassar #AnthonyHead #SkasisParadigm #thedoctor #TimeLordVictorious #SarahJaneSmith #doctorwho #drwho #timelords #Gallifrey #SchoolReunion #DoctorWhoS02E03
So, couldn't the #TimeLords of #Gallifrey have had a couple of them absorb the #TimeVortex
of their #TARDIS-es' and wiped out the #Daleks that way?
#timelords #Gallifrey #TimeVortex #tardis #daleks #doctorwho #DoctorWhoThoughts