Yvonne Perkins · @perkinsy
129 followers · 202 posts · Server aus.social

Software development is littered with late projects and tales of the final push comprising hours of overtime to get a release out. 37 Signals has abandoned time estimates (they are always underestimates because of unknowns and human optimism). This podcast explores the problem of time estimates and why they should be abandoned


#softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment #timepressure

Last updated 2 years ago

Ganga · @LifeTimeCooking
188 followers · 458 posts · Server aus.social

So remember ? When I ordered weeks of food, and a lot of it, because I was and ? And now I am well again, with a fridge full of meal kits.

Tonight's was Toasted Gnocchi in a creamy cheesy Spinach-Mushroom Sauce with a side salad of rocket and cucumber. The salad was pretty meh, not the best quality rocket. I could have made a better salad but, .

But the gnocchi was knock-out!l

(The leftover baked sweet potato chips and grilled haloumi from yesterday's kit were today's nibbles. We cooked some beetroot from the garden to eat with evo, s&p, while the gnocchi was cooking.)

#mealkits #reallysick #hungry #timepressure #food #cooking #vegetarian

Last updated 2 years ago

Morten Juel Hansen · @mojuha
29 followers · 18 posts · Server scicomm.xyz