My personal version of “be the change you want to see in the world” is “use the words you want to hear in the world.”
#NeuroFabulous #timequeer #actuallyautistic
Flood of new users? Time for hashtags!
#autistic #queer #timequeer #scifi #math #poetry #science #jazz #chess #landback #reparations #restorativejustice #minimumincome #equalityact #DefundPolice #cancelstudentdebt #adjunctprofessor #lawandeconomics #buddhism #parenting #coffee #fullmetalalchemist #dogs #historyoftechnology #unschooling #NeuroFabulous
Let’s stop saying folks have “time management problems” just because their way of organizing activities and interests don’t contribute as “productively” as the capitalist patriarchy requires.
Instead, let’s celebrate the different ways humans experience and create the world around us, and be grateful that the universe is not just a giant employee time clock.
#Timequeer pride!