【ANAクラウンプラザホテル秋田】JAL「どこかにマイル」利用で秋田旅行/巨大な秋田犬/備品充実のスタンダードルーム/おいしい食事 https://www.wacoca.com/tour/130186/
#ANAクラウンプラザホテル秋田 #eresort #JALどこでもマイル #timeshare #UCtxR94zk8mCeoD6YaRHP-dw #いいリゾート #タイムシェア #ホテル #会員制リゾート #旅行 #秋田 #秋田ツアー #秋田旅行 #秋田駅
#anaクラウンプラザホテル秋田 #eresort #jalどこでもマイル #timeshare #uctxr94zk8mceod6yarhp #いいリゾート #タイムシェア #ホテル #会員制リゾート #旅行 #秋田 #秋田ツアー #秋田旅行 #秋田駅
【ANAクラウンプラザホテル秋田】JAL「どこかにマイル」利用で秋田旅行/巨大な秋田犬/備品充実のスタンダードルーム/おいしい食事 https://www.ciaonihon.com/256935/
#ANAクラウンプラザホテル秋田 #eresort #JALどこでもマイル #timeshare #UCtxR94zk8mCeoD6YaRHP-dw #いいリゾート #タイムシェア #ホテル #会員制リゾート #旅行 #秋田 #秋田ツアー #秋田旅行 #秋田駅
#anaクラウンプラザホテル秋田 #eresort #jalどこでもマイル #timeshare #uctxr94zk8mceod6yarhp #いいリゾート #タイムシェア #ホテル #会員制リゾート #旅行 #秋田 #秋田ツアー #秋田旅行 #秋田駅
Years ago, dumb me bought a #timeshare. Not just buy but auto paid to my #CreditCard (also dumb). I wanted to pay but just switch method. They ignored me.
So, I called card company and service rep said I couldn't stop the auto billing because timeshare company was also customer on the account.
Perfect, realized! Followed up call in writing telling them to get future pay from the other account holder and cancelled card. Worked a charm without a dent in credit.
#GoodTimes #PersonalFinance
#timeshare #creditcard #goodtimes #personalfinance
【4年ぶりハワイ旅行 Chapter13 Day5】bikiでウォールアート巡りの便利な点7選 後編 | ハワイ土産 | ホールフーズ | TARGET | マラサダ | ハワイアン雑貨 https://www.wacoca.com/tour/103507/
##タイムシェア初心者向けブログもやってます #Biki #hawaii #HGVC #Hilton #honolulucoffee #islandsole #kakaako #luvhgv #target #timeshare #wallart #WHOLEFOODS #インスタ映え #カカアコ #サイクリング #タイムシェア #ハワイ #ビキ #ヒルトン #治安 #自転車 #豊富ツアー
#タイムシェア初心者向けブログもやってます #biki #hawaii #hgvc #hilton #honolulucoffee #islandsole #kakaako #luvhgv #target #timeshare #wallart #wholefoods #インスタ映え #カカアコ #サイクリング #タイムシェア #ハワイ #ビキ #ヒルトン #治安 #自転車 #豊富ツアー
@BryanLastRedDrop @ElleGray lol. But did you ever try to sell a #timeshare 😤
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bd2bbHoVQSM&feature=share Time shares…DON’T DO IT! #timeshare
John breaks down the massive scam that is timeshares.
【相鉄グランドフレッサ東京ベイ有明】東京ビッグサイトそばのリーズナブルなホテル/充実した設備のプレミアムベイサイドルーム/朝食ブッフェ https://www.wacoca.com/tour/88945/
#eresort #Japanhotelreviews #sotetsugrandfresatokyobayariake #timeshare #UCtxR94zk8mCeoD6YaRHP-dw #いいリゾート #タイムシェア #プレミアムベイサイドルーム #ホテル #ホテルのクチコミ #ホテルのレビュー #ホテルの口コミ #会員制リゾート #旅行 #有明のホテル #東京ディズニーリゾート®グッドネイバーホテル #東京ビックサイト #東京国際展示場 #相鉄グランドフレッサ東京ベイ有明 #相鉄フレッサイン #相鉄ホテルズ
#eresort #japanhotelreviews #sotetsugrandfresatokyobayariake #timeshare #uctxr94zk8mceod6yarhp #いいリゾート #タイムシェア #プレミアムベイサイドルーム #ホテル #ホテルのクチコミ #ホテルのレビュー #ホテルの口コミ #会員制リゾート #旅行 #有明のホテル #東京ディズニーリゾート #東京ビックサイト #東京国際展示場 #相鉄グランドフレッサ東京ベイ有明 #相鉄フレッサイン #相鉄ホテルズ
so uh, anyone willing to give #legalAdvice in regards to a #timeshare type scam?
There's this piece of shit "dude ranch" that my mom idiotically signed a lifetime contract for when I was just a child. My mom died two years ago, and my dad lives with us now and is quite frail and doesn't even have a credit card, all he has is his social security and my mom's retirement (which also gives him healthcare). So we decided to stop letting the fuckers strongarm us--I sent them a snail-mail letter along with an official death certificate for my mom, and said if they don't start charging us, we will be taking legal action against them.
They never replied to the death certificate letter, but six months later sent a generic letter STILL ADDRESSED TO MY DEAD MOM demanding the "delinquent" payment. We decided to ignore it, managed to go almost a year without hearing from them again, then today we get this piece of shit letter from them (see attached).
I've checked the contract and there's nothing about taking a hit to the credit or anything--it just says the penalty for nonpayment is loss of access to the grounds (big whoop)
But in this fucking letter, the fucking scammers are threatening to put negative points against our credit (I assume just my dad, since my name isn't on the letter, just my dad and my mom)
Since there's nothing about a hit on our credit in the contract, isn't this illegal? I assume we'd have to hire a lawyer to fight it? But my dad is never going to use his credit anyway, and I don't think he's going to be with us much longer, either. Does a bad credit affect anything like his existing social security income or my mom's retirement? Or can we just ignore it?
There are posts all over the internet of them scamming other older people just like my mom, who keep paying even though they're on fixed income and can't afford it. I don't know how lifetime contract timeshares are even legal--I assume they must own a lot of congressmen to keep it unregulated.
I'm shaking but furious. Good news is they're in a remote part of southern Californnia--with any luck, the next wildfire will burn the fucking assholes to the ground.
#Hilton #Timeshare Offer, 3 Nights + 50K Points for $149 (Vegas, Orlando & More)
Free buggy ride or not, avoid timeshare presentations and save yourself from high-pressure sales tactics
Don't let the promise of a free buggy ride (or any other "incentive") lure you into a timeshare presentation!
Cory Fawcett is a general surgeon and the author of The Doctors Guide book series.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#timeshare #timesharepresentation #salespitch #ripoff #scam #beware #secondarymarket #realestate #investing #vacation #buggyride
#timeshare #timesharepresentation #salespitch #ripoff #scam #beware #secondarymarket #RealEstate #investing #vacation #buggyride
Don't fall for the timeshare trap: Just say NO to high-pressure sales presentations
Just say NO to timeshare presentations! These high-pressure sales tactics can result in you overpaying for a timeshare with little to no bargaining power.
Cory Fawcett is a general surgeon and the author of The Doctors Guide book series.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#timeshare #timesharepresentation #ripoff #scam #beware #secondarymarket #realestate #investing #vacation
#timeshare #timesharepresentation #ripoff #scam #beware #secondarymarket #RealEstate #investing #vacation
@Jack If you think it looks good now, ya shuda seen it back in the day before all the touristas descended on Sedona. The single main drag from east to west is a yuge bigly mess. But, if anyone is interested, I have a timeshare I can rent you to add to the congestion! 😆
@mayor Oh god yes. Very #timeshare #70s #conferenceXYZ #dtss
Yes, I was a child.
#timeshare #70s #conferencexyz #dtss
Just got accidentally sucked into my first #timeshare pitch in years.
Super uncomfortable.