@TheMetalDog This band should have retired when they signed their "contract" in 2014 signifying they would never tour again. They have hit the wall hard. Time to go home, boys.
It is sad, because they were one of my fav bands as a teen - but unfortunately their shitty live performances and constant "We Need The Cash" tours have worn me out.
#HeavyMetal #Metal #MotleyCrue #WashedUp #TimeToRetire #LeaveMickAlone #IDontGiveAFuckEither
#idontgiveafuckeither #leavemickalone #timetoretire #washedup #MotleyCrue #metal #heavymetal
When I wake up in the morning feeling like I need another hour or two of sleep, I just tune in @MSNBC and Andrea Mitchell.... works every time... out like a light.