RT @timgrecco
#InvestInGenocide #RussiaUkraineWar #Austria
#RaiffeisenBankInternational (#RBI) is reportedly the main bank (and main creditor) of Chancellor #Nehammer's #OeVP (Austrian People's Party).
via @derStandardat | 7 Sept. 2019
https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000108753002/aufsicht-prueft-raiffeisen-kredite-an-die-volkspartei https://twitter.com/timgrecco/status/1554476011982671872
#oevp #Nehammer #rbi #raiffeisenbankinternational #austria #russiaukrainewar #investingenocide #timetoreup
RT @timgrecco
"One of the highest priorities for the West should be to provide the truth to the Russian people in the Russian language to open the eyes of Russian society on these heinous crimes that #Putin's committing [in #Ukraine] supposedly on behalf of our country." | @vkaramurza https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1505305192895504387