the best thing about #TimeTravelerJokes: you don't have to get them the first time around
Adjusting for inflation (sic) and the one or other co-occurence ; I should be hitting mid-life crisis next week, month or year. The bar is high (do you have $44B to spare?) so I hope I won't disappoint
(Thus far it feels like a mixture of "I told you so" and "Why the fuck did noone told me that? Like, you now... At the start?" -both in ALL CAPS)
#NotNow #AreWeNow #ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyAutisticTruth #NotYourTeddy #AllCaps #TimeTravelerJokes
#NotNow #arewenow #actuallyautistic #actuallyautistictruth #NotYourTeddy #allcaps #timetravelerjokes
the best thing about #TimeTravelerJokes: you don't have to get them the 1st time around
The best thing about #TimeTravelerJokes is you don't have to get them the first time around...
The best thing about #TimeTravelerJokes is that you don't have to get them the first time around