It's high time to ask Tim Houston to pay up. He rode on this platform and gullible people were duped!!!
#NeverVoteConservative #timhoustonmustgo #timhoustonisaslacker #timhoustonisafailure #timhoustonlied
"The property has been under construction since 2019 and was to be a Marriott-branded hotel. It has an assessed value of $10.4 million ... A representative for Cresco declined comment when contacted by CBC."
Of course they'll decline to comment, they just made a $20M profit! This is not progress #TimHouston, this is pure optics and totally corrupt at that!
#NeverVoteConservative #timhoustonmustresign #timhoustonisaslacker #timhoustonisafailure #timhouston
@garrattguy @karlmorant @KitCenGreens @gemelliz
That's exactly what happened in NS. Majority of the vote came from the city of Hfx but it was split between the Liberals and NDP. The Cons Tim Houston got the provincial vote and here we are 🤬
#NeverVoteConservative #timhoustonisaslacker #timhoustonisafailure
@PBruce @0CynicalBastard
I hope the rural folks are reaping the "benefits" of the fall out of Tim Houston's premiership as they're the ones who put this twat to power. Our health care system is still a big mess 🤬
#timhoustonisafailure #timhoustonisaslacker #nevervoteconservative
Like the typical conservative that he is, Tim Houston is a slacker and a failure! He campaigned on improved health care within the first year of his tenure, he sat on it. He refuses to reinstitute the emergency health care measures notwithstanding the ongoing pandemic, both covid and RSV!
#timhoustonisafailure #timhoustonisaslacker #nevervoteconservative
#TimHouston is persecuting Nova Scotians!
"The antiviral Paxlovid has been proven to reduce acute risks of severe illness and death ... Despite other provinces recently widening eligibility and allowing pharmacists to prescribe the medication, Nova Scotia has done neither ... PCR test eligibility has also remained frustratingly narrow."
#timhouston #timhoustonisafailure #timhoustonisaslacker #nevervoteconservative