We are #between #ages! So, we need to "reenvison" everything from #9to5 #workdays and #fiveday #weeks, to #urban #mobility and even, #timings of #daycare, #schools, and #restaurants.
Welcome to The Brave New World of Work!
Where #24x7 #work is the #newnormal, done #anywhere, #anytime, and #anyhow.
where I dissect what the end of the #industrial (#smokestack) and the #dawn of the #digitalage (#fourthindustrialrevolution) means for us.
#between #ages #9to5 #workdays #fiveday #weeks #urban #mobility #timings #daycare #schools #restaurants #24x7 #Work #NewNormal #anywhere #anytime #anyhow #industrial #smokestack #dawn #digitalage #fourthindustrialrevolution
Ever wondered why everything from #urban #mobility #systems to #daycare and #school #timings, apart from #restaurant hours to #grocery availability, #pivot around the #9to5 #workday ?
Indeed, one can say that our #modern #life revolves around this #industrial #revolution times model.
The #pandemic #accelerated this #transition and so, we need a new #paradigm for the nouveau world of #work .
#urban #mobility #systems #daycare #school #timings #restaurant #grocery #pivot #9to5 #workday #modern #life #industrial #revolution #pandemic #accelerated #transition #paradigm #Work