Alien: Out of the Shadows
by Tim Lebbon, 2014
Worth reading book for Alien fans, which I can well imagine as a film adaptation, written very cinematically. Somewhat contrived, as the story takes place between the first and second film. I think the humanization of the "AI" is disturbing.
#Alien #OutOfTheShadows #TimLebbon #Horror #booktodon #FilmMastodon
#alien #outoftheshadows #timlebbon #horror #booktodon #FilmMastodon
Three books that fucked with my head were:
What Good Girls Do by #JonathanButcher
The Silence by #TimLebbon
And The Girl Next Door by #jackketchum
Each one of these made me stop reading (listening) it at certain points. Three very different stories that are beautifully crafted.
#jonathanbutcher #timlebbon #jackketchum
Covers for the May 2023 wave of essential #StarWarsLegends from Random House Worlds have shown up online.
- #DawnOfTheJedi: Into the Void by #TimLebbon
- #Yoda: Dark Rendezvous by #SeanStewart
- #RepublicCommando: Hard Contact by #KarenTraviss
Mark 23/05/23 in your calendars!
#starwarslegends #dawnofthejedi #timlebbon #yoda #seanstewart #republiccommando #karentraviss