I read that:
1. This isn't Jack Dorsey's show
2. The ceo is a crypto grifter
However, the Cultists of #TESCREAL do very well amongst rich people because it tells them what they want to hear and, of course, these are 2nd wave eugenics movements. Scratch a crypto currency bro, find a Nazi.
See #DAIR, #TimnitGebru #EmilyBender as well for more info because it's WILD but unfortunately verifiable.
#tescreal #dair #timnitgebru #emilybender
I personally would put tags like #AI #SyntheticMedia #ChatGPT #TimnitGebru #EmilyBender etc on this but I don't really know a lot about AI, I just know a very small amount about spreading information on Mastodon. 😀
But that's some quality work there and a most pleasing and excellent phrase.
#ai #syntheticmedia #chatgpt #timnitgebru #emilybender
The Tyee: Body Cameras for Police Threaten Public Safety (in Opinion) https://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2023/02/01/Police-Body-Cameras-Threaten-Public-Safety/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #facialrecognitiontechnology #BlackLivesMatterVancouver #facialrecognitionsoftware #VancouverPoliceDepartment #RightsBackatYoupodcast #TorontoPoliceService #VancouverPoliceBoard #policebodycams #JoyBuolamwini #TimnitGebru #TyreNichols #VPDbodycams
#BCNews #TheTyee #facialrecognitiontechnology #blacklivesmattervancouver #facialrecognitionsoftware #VancouverPoliceDepartment #rightsbackatyoupodcast #torontopoliceservice #VancouverPoliceBoard #policebodycams #joybuolamwini #timnitgebru #tyrenichols #vpdbodycams
The Quest for #Ethical Artificial Intelligence | Timnit Gebru || Harvard Radcliffe Institute. #TimnitGebru dicusses why she founded the #Distributed #ArtificialIntelligence #Research Institute (DAIR) and what she hopes this interdisciplinary, community-based, global network of #artificialintelligence #AI researchers can accomplish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_--xrN3eso
#ethical #timnitgebru #distributed #artificialintelligence #research #ai
1. #timnitgebru riporta uno studio dell'anno scorso https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.02243 sull'impatto ambientale dell'intelligenza artificiale. Il training di un singolo modello di #ai complesso come il Transformer di Google, dedicato al Natural Language Processing, inquina come 5 automobili per tutta la loro vita. Problema: il training viene eseguito molte volte, durante il suo sviluppo e per eventuali aggiornamenti. Il paper originale è https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.02243
Per quali motivi Timnit Gebru, una delle scienziate più rilevanti nel mondo dell'intelligenza artificiale, è stata bruscamente licenziata da Google? Pare per un articolo scientifico di cui Google ha voluto bloccare la pubblicazione.
E cosa contiene questo articolo per suscitare una reazione così veemente? Pari ci siano 4 punti scottanti... Ognuno di questi merita un toot.
Intanto, per saperne di più, https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/12/04/1013294/google-ai-ethics-research-paper-forced-out-timnit-gebru/
#ai #timnitgebru
#AxisOfEasy 175: Secrecy Around Top Canadian Cyber-Security Intelligence Officer Caught Spying For China
##AxisOfEasy #AlphaFoldAI #AWDL #bitcoin #CameronOrtis #DeepMind #DianneFrancis #Egregor #Ethereum2.0 #Fold@home #GoogleProjectZero #Magecart #NiallFerguson #NICC #RCMP #SansecThreatResearch #TimnitGebru
#timnitgebru #sansecthreatresearch #rcmp #nicc #niallferguson #magecart #googleprojectzero #fold #ethereum2 #egregor #diannefrancis #deepmind #cameronortis #bitcoin #awdl #alphafoldai #axisofeasy
AxisOfEasy #175: Secrecy around top Canadian cyber-security intelligence officer caught spying for China
#AlphaFoldAI #AWDL #bitcoin #CameronOrtis #DeepMind #DianneFrancis #Egregor #Ethereum2.0 #Fold@home #GoogleProjectZero #Magecart #NiallFerguson #NICC #RCMP #SansecThreatResearch #TimnitGebru
#timnitgebru #sansecthreatresearch #rcmp #nicc #niallferguson #magecart #googleprojectzero #fold #ethereum2 #egregor #diannefrancis #deepmind #cameronortis #bitcoin #awdl #alphafoldai
Le licenciement polémique de Timnit Gebru, qui travaillait chez #Google sur les questions d’éthique liées à l’IA #timnitgebru https://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2020/12/05/apres-le-licenciement-d-une-chercheuse-noire-et-militante-google-somme-de-s-expliquer_6062328_4408996.html Les demandes d’explication sur le renvoi de cette chercheuse se font de plus en plus pressantes, d’autant que l’entreprise américaine est déjà accusée d’avoir surveillé d’autres employés qui étaient, comme elle, militants.