Digital transformation in Timor-Leste
Australia’s support for Timor-Leste’s digital transformation is a valuable investment in the region’s future. #TimorLeste
Making friends in Timor-Leste
Adopting a people-centered approach to building a shared future with Timor-Leste is in Australia’s national interest. Developing platforms for enhancing literacy, job growth, health, and agriculture are just some of the ways Australia can build lasting relationships with its closest neighbours. #timorleste
So, according to #ChatGPT, this is "an alphabetically ordered list of space-separated hashtags of all countries in the Global South. Each country name written in the most-spoken language of said country", but I'm not too sure it's right. For starters, I'm missing #Brasil and #Chile from the list.
Anyway, I've likely got tickets for #CCCamp23 (#Germany, August 15th to August 19th, 2023) at -%20 if you're from any of these:
#বাংলাদেশ #ભારત #ລາວ #البحرين #ভারত #ভারতমহাসাগর #မြန်မာ #بنگلاديش #កម្ពុជា #Colombia #جيبوتي #مصر #السلفادور #ኢትዮጵያ #فيجي #Gambia #Ghana #Guatemala #Guyana #Haiti #Indonesia #Iraq #الأردن #کشورهای_جنوبی #لبنان #Liberia #مدغشقر #Malawi #Malaysia #Maldives #مالي #المغرب #Moçambique #موريتانيا #Mauritius #مكسيكو #Myanmar #नेपाल #नीजर #نيجيريا #عمان #پاکستان #فلسطين #بيرو #Philippines #قطر #رواندا #Argentina #SaintLucia #SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines #Samoa #السعودية #Senegal #سيشيل #سيراليون #SolomonIslands #الصومال #جنوب_افريقيا #SouthSudan #سريلانكا #Cuba #السودان #Suriname #سوريا #Tanzania #ประเทศไทย #TimorLeste #Togo #Tonga #TrinidadAndTobago #تونس #تركيا #Uganda #الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #Uruguay #Vanuatu #Venezuela #ViệtNam #اليمن #Zambia #Zimbabwe
Check the thread for more info.
#CCCamp2023 #acampar #privacidad #SoftwareLibre #SegInfo #CCCamp
#cccamp #seginfo #softwarelibre #privacidad #acampar #cccamp2023 #ai #openai #gpt #zimbabwe #zambia #اليمن #việtnam #venezuela #vanuatu #uruguay #الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #uganda #تركيا #تونس #trinidadandtobago #tonga #togo #timorleste #ประเทศไทย #tanzania #سوريا #suriname #السودان #cuba #سريلانكا #southsudan #جنوب_افريقيا #الصومال #solomonislands #سيراليون #سيشيل #senegal #السعودية #samoa #SaintVincentandtheGrenadines #saintlucia #argentina #رواندا #قطر #philippines #بيرو #فلسطين #پاکستان #عمان #نيجيريا #नीजर #नेपाल #myanmar #مكسيكو #mauritius #موريتانيا #mocambique #المغرب #مالي #maldives #malaysia #malawi #مدغشقر #liberia #لبنان #کشورهای_جنوبی #الأردن #iraq #Indonesia #haiti #guyana #guatemala #ghana #gambia #فيجي #ኢትዮጵያ #السلفادور #مصر #جيبوتي #colombia #កមពុជា #بنگلاديش #မြနမာ #ভারতমহাসাগর #ভারত #البحرين #ລາວ #ભારત #বাংলাদেশ #germany #cccamp23 #Chile #Brasil #chatgpt
So, according to #ChatGPT, this is "an alphabetically ordered list of space-separated hashtags of all countries in the Global South. Each country name written in the most-spoken language of said country", but I'm not too sure it's right. For starters, I'm missing #Brasil and #Chile from the list.
Anyway, I've likely got tickets for #CCCamp23 (#Germany, August 15th to August 19th, 2023) at -%20 if you're from any of these:
#বাংলাদেশ #ભારત #ລາວ #البحرين #ভারত #ভারতমহাসাগর #မြန်မာ #بنگلاديش #កម្ពុជា #Colombia #جيبوتي #مصر #السلفادور #ኢትዮጵያ #فيجي #Gambia #Ghana #Guatemala #Guyana #Haiti #Indonesia #Iraq #الأردن #کشورهای_جنوبی #لبنان #Liberia #مدغشقر #Malawi #Malaysia #Maldives #مالي #المغرب #Moçambique #موريتانيا #Mauritius #مكسيكو #Myanmar #नेपाल #नीजर #نيجيريا #عمان #پاکستان #فلسطين #بيرو #Philippines #قطر #رواندا #Argentina #SaintLucia #SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines #Samoa #السعودية #Senegal #سيشيل #سيراليون #SolomonIslands #الصومال #جنوب_افريقيا #SouthSudan #سريلانكا #Cuba #السودان #Suriname #سوريا #Tanzania #ประเทศไทย #TimorLeste #Togo #Tonga #TrinidadAndTobago #تونس #تركيا #Uganda #الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #Uruguay #Vanuatu #Venezuela #ViệtNam #اليمن #Zambia #Zimbabwe
Check the thread for more info.
#CCCamp2023 #acampar #privacidad #SoftwareLibre #Seginfo #CCCamp
#cccamp #seginfo #softwarelibre #privacidad #acampar #cccamp2023 #ai #openai #gpt #zimbabwe #zambia #اليمن #việtnam #venezuela #vanuatu #uruguay #الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #uganda #تركيا #تونس #trinidadandtobago #tonga #togo #timorleste #ประเทศไทย #tanzania #سوريا #suriname #السودان #cuba #سريلانكا #southsudan #جنوب_افريقيا #الصومال #solomonislands #سيراليون #سيشيل #senegal #السعودية #samoa #SaintVincentandtheGrenadines #saintlucia #argentina #رواندا #قطر #philippines #بيرو #فلسطين #پاکستان #عمان #نيجيريا #नीजर #नेपाल #myanmar #مكسيكو #mauritius #موريتانيا #mocambique #المغرب #مالي #maldives #malaysia #malawi #مدغشقر #liberia #لبنان #کشورهای_جنوبی #الأردن #iraq #Indonesia #haiti #guyana #guatemala #ghana #gambia #فيجي #ኢትዮጵያ #السلفادور #مصر #جيبوتي #colombia #កមពុជា #بنگلاديش #မြနမာ #ভারতমহাসাগর #ভারত #البحرين #ລາວ #ભારત #বাংলাদেশ #germany #cccamp23 #Chile #Brasil #chatgpt RÓ BERLIN RAMELAU PARADU FULAN HAAT ONA #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #BeritaTimorLeste #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #Qatar #Ró-Ró #TimorLeste #TimorPost #VideoTimorLeste #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
#2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #beritatimorleste #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #qatar #ro #timorleste #timorpost #videotimorleste #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030
Righting wrongs - Wong concedes Australia’s treatment of Timor-Leste ‘not in the spirit of friendship’
#Australia #TimorLeste
A helping hand for Timor-Leste
The economic and social future of Timor-Leste relies on more jobs at home and better labour mobility programs abroad to generate remittances, improve skills and build human capital. #timorleste
And here are the 2023 rankings and change from 2022 of all 11 Southeast Asian countries in the #WorldPressFreedomIndex by #ReportersWithoutBorders:
• #TimorLeste 🇹🇱 - 10th 🔼 7
• #Malaysia 🇲🇾 - 73rd 🔼 40
• #Thailand 🇹🇭 - 106th 🔼 9
• #Indonesia 🇮🇩 - 108th 🔼 9
• #Singapore 🇸🇬 - 129th 🔼 10
• #Philippines 🇵🇭 - 132nd 🔼 15
• #Brunei 🇧🇳 - 142nd 🔼 4
• #Cambodia 🇰🇭 - 147th 🔽 5
• #Laos 🇱🇦 - 160th 🔼 1
• #Myanmar 🇲🇲 - 173rd 🔼 3
• #Vietnam 🇻🇳 - 178th 🔽 4
#worldpressfreedomindex #reporterswithoutborders #timorleste #malaysia #thailand #indonesia #singapore #philippines #brunei #cambodia #laos #myanmar #vietnam #tootsea
Kärjessä kaikista mahdollisista listoista tuttuja #Pohjoismaat ja muutamat muut #eurooppa laiset valtiot.
Sitten yhtäkkiä sijalla 10.: #ItäTimor.
Itsellä nousee #TimorLeste stä mieleen vain kovin negatiivissävytteisiä uutisointeja ja tapahtumia lähihistöriasta.
Ja silti. Kymmenenneksi #lehdistönvapaus suhteen.
Vain 21 vuotta maan itsenäistymisen jälkeen, yhtenä maailman köyhimmistä maista.
#journalismi #media #lehdistö #maailma
#lehdistonvapausindeksi #pohjoismaat #eurooppa #itatimor #timorleste #lehdistonvapaus #journalismi #media #lehdisto #maailma
I collect the flags of causes dear to my heart. In my home, hanging on doors, are the flags of #Myanmar's #Karen, #Kachin, #Chin and #Shan ethnic nationalities, and of #TimorLeste. Today, following my visit to Dharamsala, I bought the #Tibet flag in solidarity with #FreeTibet
#myanmar #karen #kachin #chin #shan #timorleste #tibet #freetibet
Learn about open-source tech and technologists from Timor Leste: (#opensource #timorleste)
📈 Una de listas, banderas y previsiones. Así queda la lista, según el #FMI, de países que más crecerán en #Asia en 2023.
15. 🇹🇱 #TimorLeste 🔺 4,2%
14. 🇧🇹 #Bhután 🔺 4,3%
13. 🇲🇾 #Malasia 🔺 4,4%
12. 🇰🇿 #Kazajistán 🔺 4,4%
11. 🇨🇳 #China 🔺 4,4%
10. 🇺🇿 #Uzbekistán 🔺 4,7%
9. 🇵🇭 #Filipinas 🔺 5%
8. 🇳🇵 #Nepal 🔺 5%
7. 🇲🇳 #Mongolia 🔺 5%
6. 🇮🇩 #Indonesia 🔺 5%
5. 🇧🇩 #Bangladesh 🔺6%
4. 🇲🇻 #Maldivas 🔺 6,1 %
3. 🇮🇳 #India 🔺 6,1%
2. 🇻🇳 #Vietnam 🔺 6,2%
1. 🇰🇭 #Camboya 🔺 6,2%
#fmi #asia #timorleste #bhutan #malasia #kazajistan #china #uzbekistan #filipinas #nepal #mongolia #indonesia #bangladesh #maldivas #india #Vietnam #camboya
One of the rare indices where the Philippines is the best among its peers in #SoutheastAsia: the Academic Freedom Index 2022. 🧐👨🎓
6th decile:
#Philippines 🇵🇭
5th decile:
#TimorLeste / #EastTimor 🇹🇱
#Indonesia 🇮🇩
4th decile:
#Singapore 🇸🇬
3rd decile:
#Malaysia 🇲🇾
#Vietnam 🇻🇳
2nd decile:
#Cambodia 🇰🇭
#Thailand 🇹🇭
1st decile:
#Laos 🇱🇦
#Myanmar 🇲🇲
* #Brunei 🇧🇳 has no data
#southeastasia #philippines #timorleste #easttimor #indonesia #singapore #malaysia #vietnam #cambodia #thailand #laos #myanmar #brunei
Working on finding even, bare, free land for FUTURU #forest in #timorleste #artinstallation 50meter x 100meter and hope I will find it. Than I can start working on the indigenous trees and water catching system.
#artinstallation #timorleste #forest
Mb 4.60 earthquake (reviewed) occured at 2023-01-14T04:10:32 UTC, 239 km ENE of Lospalos, Timor Leste #quake #earthquake #timorleste
#quake #earthquake #timorleste
RT @Smartcairns11
Prosecutors seek foreign help to find Roman Catholic priest accused of child sex abuse. #TimorLeste #Tanzania #Portugal #Phillipines via @portugal Resident
#timorleste #tanzania #portugal #phillipines
Mb 4.30 earthquake (reviewed) occured at 2023-01-09T07:22:58 UTC, 155 km N of Dili, Timor Leste #quake #earthquake #timorleste
#quake #earthquake #timorleste
Mb 4.40 earthquake (reviewed) occured at 2023-01-09T03:45:28 UTC, 38 km WNW of Pante Makasar, Timor Leste #quake #earthquake #timorleste
#quake #earthquake #timorleste
John Howard can’t purport to occupy high moral ground when his Govt, having agreed to negotiate the rights to Timor Sea oil and gas ‘in good faith’, defrauded the newly independent and impoverished #TimorLeste by spying on their negotiating team. #auspol
RT @MrRexPatrick
John Howard can’t purport to occupy high moral ground when his Govt, having agreed to negotiate the rights to Timor Sea oil and gas ‘in good faith’, defrauded the newly independent and impoverished #TimorLeste by spying on their negotiating team. #auspol