🎬 Great #Movies You Probably Haven't Seen Because You're Not Old | "Ordinary People" (1980) is about a family in wealthy suburban Chicago whose son (never seen) dies in a sailing accident, and his brother (#TimothyHutton) attempts #suicide—he was in the boat and suffers from #PTSD. #MaryTylerMoore is his cold, narcissistic mother, and #DonaldSutherland plays his warm, caring Dad trying to help and mend his family. #RobertRedford directed. It won four #Oscars. https://youtu.be/HQKEdiQ79OM?t=12
#oscars #RobertRedford #donaldsutherland #marytylermoore #ptsd #Suicide #timothyhutton #Movies
🎬 Great #Movies You Probably Haven't Seen Because You're Not Old | "Ordinary People" (1980) is about a family in wealthy suburban Chicago whose son (never seen) dies in a sailing accident, and his brother (#TimothyHutton) attempts #suicide—he was in the boat and suffers from #PTSD. #MaryTylerMoore is his cold, narcissistic mother, and #DonaldSutherland plays his warm, caring Dad trying to help and mend his family. #RobertRedford directed. It won four #Oscars. https://youtu.be/HQKEdiQ79OM
#oscars #RobertRedford #donaldsutherland #marytylermoore #ptsd #Suicide #timothyhutton #Movies
#accadeinparadiso di #alanrudolph ci racconta la vita, o forse sarebbe meglio dire le vite, del giovane Mike ( #timothyhutton ) che agli inizi degli anni Cinquanta lascia la sua piccola cittandina della Pennsilvanya per cercare fortuna in California Ma a neanche un centinaio di miglia da casa Mike, per salvare una donna con i suoi due giovani figli incastrati in un auto che affonda in un fiume, annega Si risveglia... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=2723 #mastofilm #mastocinema #film #cinema #kellymcgillis
#accadeinparadiso #alanrudolph #timothyhutton #mastofilm #mastocinema #film #cinema #KellyMcGillis