Kotaku: Game Pass Will Get This Highly Anticipated Horror Game Day One https://kotaku.com/xbox-game-pass-free-june-2023-new-amnesia-pc-series-x-1850487023 #gaming #tech #kotaku #mentalillnessinfiction #technology2cinternet #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #frictionalgames #survivalhorror #xboxgamepass #cloudstrife #timschafer #thomasgrip #doublefine
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #mentalillnessinfiction #technology2cinternet #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #frictionalgames #survivalhorror #xboxgamepass #cloudstrife #timschafer #thomasgrip #doublefine
oh nice! double fine released a whole new docu series about the production of psychonauts2. 👏
i enjoyed their previous series about 'broken age' a lot back then. 👌
🎬 https://youtu.be/kRlI72bsNRc
there's a YT playlist or downloads on archive.org.
🔗 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIhLvue17Sd70y34zh2erWWpMyOnh4UN_
🔗 https://archive.org/details/Double_Fine_PsychOdyssey
Double Fine PsychOdyssey · OUT NOW! · Official Trailer
#DoubleFine #PsychOdyssey #psychonauts #psychonauts2 #2PlayerProductions #TimSchafer #documentary #gaming #GameDev
#doublefine #psychodyssey #psychonauts #psychonauts2 #2playerproductions #timschafer #documentary #gaming #gamedev
oh nice! double fine released a whole new docu series about the production of psychonauts2. 👏
i enjoyed their previous series about 'broken age' a lot back then. 👌
🎬 https://youtu.be/kRlI72bsNRc
there's a YT playlist or downloads on archive.org.
🔗 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIhLvue17Sd70y34zh2erWWpMyOnh4UN_
🔗 https://archive.org/details/Double_Fine_PsychOdyssey
Double Fine PsychOdyssey · OUT NOW! · Official Trailer
#DoubleFine #PsychOdyssey #psychonauts #psychonauts2 #2PlayerProductions #TimSchafer #documentary #gaming
#doublefine #psychodyssey #psychonauts #psychonauts2 #2playerproductions #timschafer #documentary #gaming
#GamesIplayed #DayoftheTentacle #Adventuregames #Lucasarts #DoubleFineProductions #BernardBernoulli #TimSchafer #Retrogaming #PointandClick #PurpleTentacle
The seventh game I played on my Youtube channel which I played both with and without commentary. I also revisited the game on my #Twitch channel.
#twitch #purpletentacle #pointandclick #retrogaming #timschafer #bernardbernoulli #doublefineproductions #lucasarts #adventuregames #dayofthetentacle #GamesIPlayed
#BrütalLegend s/ #GNU #Linux : de l'action, de l'aventure, de l'amour, une bagnole d'enfer, des combats épiques, des pogos, un max d'humour et un flot continu du meilleur métal qu'il soit !
La version de #TimSchafer du Valhalla ? En tout cas, « y'a bon ! » ^_^
Bonne lecture :
#natif #gaming #jeu #humblebundle #steam #gog #sobriéténumérique
#brütallegend #gnu #linux #timschafer #natif #gaming #jeu #humblebundle #steam #gog #sobriéténumérique
Double Fine Presents “doesn't make sense” anymore, says Tim Schafer - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/HJL8iM6Z7jg/ #DoubleFineProductions #DoubleFinePresents #PCGameNews #TimSchafer
#doublefineproductions #doublefinepresents #pcgamenews #timschafer
The Joy Of Psychonauts’ most revealing memory vault - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/e02aGIAc4ig/ #DoubleFineProductions #FeaturedArticles #TimSchafer #TheJoyOf #feature
#doublefineproductions #featuredarticles #timschafer #thejoyof #feature