Tim McTuffty · @Tim_McTuffty
106 followers · 1028 posts · Server beige.party

Burnt yellow

Where does love stop and abuse begin
Where does patience come to an end

When do tiny points of pressure pushed
Build to pain too hard to bear

When does thought end for others
When does it focus sharp on self

When does frustration lead
To, Inevitable thoughts of rain

When does love prevent retribution
To others careless harm

When does love lead to retribution
Against the harmed

When does pain ease the suffering
When does suffering ease the pain

When does sudden action
Result in colours dark, masking colours bright

When do colours fade
To prove that you won the fight.

When do tattoos black, blue and burnt yellow
Prove, human hearts endurance failed.

#Poetry #poem #writing #timthepoetsquirrel #today #TheMammutMoves

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim McTuffty · @Tim_McTuffty
97 followers · 830 posts · Server beige.party

I wrote this for my good friend @dgar

**** Australian Rock II ****

An Aussie came travelling
From toxic land

Where ravenous fauna
Enjoy the odd native, while watching his band.

He brings music and joy
To masses

Songs of journeys
To Moon and planets afar

Songs of proud ladies
And Flat earth affairs

Jokes so contrived
You laugh, till you cry

Today 6000 souls celebrate
The day of his birth

Following his laughter
Singing his songs

Offering Jars of sauce, for the barbie
To help him explore

Ways of restoring folks souls
So, human hearts do endure

#mastodons #poem #Poetry #writing #dgar #timthepoetsquirrel #TheMammutMoves

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim McTuffty · @Tim_McTuffty
95 followers · 773 posts · Server beige.party

@iseriksonartist I feel that scouse humour is failing to find its mark here 🤭

I’m , I love squirrels , I particularly love your baby squirrel 🥰🫶😁


Last updated 1 year ago

Tim McTuffty · @Tim_McTuffty
94 followers · 769 posts · Server beige.party

For a friend who seeks relief through solitude, be well kitten! 🫶🖖


She wanders this world
broken and in pain.

Touching other souls
ne’r leaving them the same!

So strong she must be
to protect her bairn!

So much strength she must hoard
none left to be adored.

A lonely shadow that passes,
a solitary ghost among masses.

Red of hair, fiery of soul.
Her human heart must endure, for her story to be told!

for those that need solace 🫂

#smallpoems #Poetry #timthepoetsquirrel #writing #today #TheMammutMoves

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim McTuffty · @Tim_McTuffty
86 followers · 687 posts · Server beige.party

Here’s a little silly a poem I wrote for my favourite online moggie master!

@netkitty this is for you my Smol Kitn 😻


Smol kitn who types in paw friendly fonts,
walks over your keyboard until you avant!

Hacking your thread with kittenish charm,
No evil intent to do you harm!

Begs for attention while you are tooting,
Sneeks in behind you while your not looking!

A virtual bundle of furry joy,
Naughty as any when given a toy!

Knocks over vases in unreal worlds,
When kitn so smol athletically unfurls.

Net Kitten they are and always will be,
Enduringly loved by human hearts that can see!

#smallpoems #Poetry #poem #CatsOfMastodon #timthepoetsquirrel #writing

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim McTuffty · @Tim_McTuffty
73 followers · 545 posts · Server beige.party


In the space of a month:

A love blossomed and fell.

A heart beat strong then failed.

A weigh lifted then borne once again.

Light blazed forth then faded to darkness.

Strength restored for a moment fluttered and died.

Prison gates briefly opened then shut tight.

Joy of closeness despairs with distance.

Bright hopes so clear burnt out.

Faith renewed is broken.

Hearts endurance ends.

#poem #Poetry #writing #timthepoetsquirrel #today

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim McTuffty · @Tim_McTuffty
61 followers · 237 posts · Server beige.party

More ‘poetry’


My heart is broken for the woman I loved.

My heart is broken for the woman I love.

My heart is broken for the country I loved.

My Heart is broken for the country I love.

My Heart is broken for the world I loved.

My heart is broken for the world I love.

My heart is broken for the soul I loved.

My heart lies broken in the ashes of a soul
blasted by the fires of lost love, hanging by the
thread of what love remains.

A human heart that struggles to endure.

#Poetry #poems #smallpoems #writing #today #timthepoetsquirrel

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim McTuffty · @Tim_McTuffty
58 followers · 181 posts · Server beige.party

So folks this was my version first attempt at poetry….

** STORM **

Ooh a storm brewing.
Thunder is rumbling in the distance.
The sky darkens.
Rain falls gently.

Thunder, closer now.
Lightning hiding.
Rain rips thru the leaves.
Thunder stalks us.

Dark now.
The rain recedes.
Count to 7 before thunder.
7 miles but getting closer.

Birds or bats zoom past.
Quick to roost before the rain returns.

Rain stops.
Lightning teases us.
Seven again.
But thunder louder?

So quiet betwix the peals.
Lightning followed quick by drums.
Rain abated.


Fooled we were.
Rain rips.
Thunder roars.
Lightning claims the sky.

Close the door?
Or let the noise and rain intrude.
So wet the fish in the pond.
Seek shelter.

Lightning then thunder.
It is upon us ,overhead.

I am no wordsmith to write the storm.
Mere thoughts splashing on false paper.
Lit by natures fury.
Serenaded by her timpani.
Flash then flash!
Bang then crash!

What gods have we angered to warrant.
Such violence?
Climate rebels.

We tiny beings hide.
But heed not!


Defiant to the last.
Lightning try’s to leave its mark!

Thunder yells a frightening challenge!
Before finally growling disapproval.

Flashes but they lack.
The vigour of their proximity.

Suddenly a brave survivor.
Fur matted.
Half drowned.
Seeking solace.
From comforting hands.

Sophie kitten has returned!
No kitten I, her stare denies!
For I have fought.
Gods of thunder & angels bright!

Would you comfort this lost soul.
Who braved the storm?
How could human heart resist?

#Poetry #poems #writing #today #timthepoetsquirrel #TheMammutMoves

Last updated 1 year ago