The great #TimWise on governance by fear. Who benefits politically by school shootings? Wise isn't suggesting the far right wants school shootings but progressives certainly don't benefit from them.
"Violence is functional for those with authoritarian ideologies."
I heart #TimWise. His takedown of hyper-mascuculine weakling goons like #MattWalsh is welcome. So unsure of their own manhood and sexuality that they are threatened by other folks' confidence in their own.
Its important to remember that what boys like #MattWalsh hate in public they love in secret.
Proud Boys?
"They’re a collection of beer-bellied wanna-be MMA fighters whose masculinity is so fragile they call themselves boys and have to start fights to feel like men."
"The work of white anti-racists is to organize our people, not with woke scolding lectures... but with heartfelt explorations of the cost of injustice to us all and the society we share."
"We need less guilt and shame, more indignation... at a society that promised us liberty and justice for all as a national birthright and yet defaulted on that promise from day one... diminishing the lives we ALL could have." #TimWise #racism
Thought you might want to check this out.
When I find a good vid if the full doc, I'll post it on the time line
#TimWise excerpt from #documentary #WhiteLikeMe
#timwise #documentary #WhiteLikeMe #WhiteLikeMeexcerpt
#WhiteLikeMe #TimWise full #film #documentary (#subtitulos en #español)
#doku #documentaire #documental #antiracist #racism #racisme #rassismus
#WhiteLikeMe #timwise #film #doku #documentary #subtitulos #AntiRacist #racism #racisme #rassismus #whiteprivilege #AntiFascist #español #documentaire #documental