I am . I was a solid B Student who graduated in . Raised 4 great kids and adopted a 5th. Married to the love of my life. Finally learning to play the after building on 30 years ago. Former hobby , RIP . Trying to make from homemade , and . are next. Desperately looking for the return button.

#generationjones #electricalengineering #dulcimer #zymurgist #picobrew #bitters #tinctures #infusions #extracts #liqueurs

Last updated 1 year ago

I'm pleased to announce that the designs and resources of the Armorial College of Pride are now accessible for use and collaboration!

The new library of the ACP is now a git repository, available at the link below. Every extant and (including material not yet seen) as well as resources such as predefined is there now!

The collection is organised under the 'heraldicpride' organisation on Codeberg.


#tinctures #heraldry #protestshield #prideshield

Last updated 2 years ago

bluebirdblvd · @bluebirdblvd
92 followers · 237 posts · Server mas.to

MONDAY MORNINGS are for refilling pill boxes, calling , and making refill requests with doctors' offices.

This is one of two boxes I fill every week. This one contains all of the and my doctors want me to take.

The other box looks exactly like this, except black and silver. That one contains my .

Not shown are the shelf-stable and the refrigerated liquid that are also part of my weekly rotation. >>

#medications #tinctures #medicines #vitamins #supplements #pill #pharmacies

Last updated 2 years ago

Maitreya Levanchild · @waysandbeing
46 followers · 174 posts · Server mas.to

@Rudydoesbooks wow, thank *you*!

Folks rarely ever comment to me, & even more rarely on my / .

Yours is an extra-big compliment, coming from someone who's as much of a thinker-feeler like you (as am I)! πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™‡πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ™πŸ½

Love that I already felt a connection with you immediately when I found your / / / post ~ &, just after last night, discovered your also (&, clearly, in a similar way as I am)!

/ Sameach, & much love to you!! πŸ’«πŸ’›πŸ’«

#hanukkah #chanukah #jewish #coffee #coop #cats #tinctures #writing #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Maitreya Levanchild · @waysandbeing
45 followers · 169 posts · Server mas.to

@Rudydoesbooks You had me at + + + + ! πŸ˜œπŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸˆπŸƒπŸ™ŒπŸ½β˜•

I know these are musings, yet..

: if made from alcohol-base not glycerin-base, likely tincture won't have completely frozen (depending on ABV/Alcohol By Volume/'proof' ~ 80-proof probably/100-proof no).

With any extreme temperature-change, *effects not just efficacy of ' may be altered*, so definitely good to get new.

#medicine #plants #tincture #coffee #coop #tinctures #valerian #cats #identity #multiracial

Last updated 2 years ago