I had to pop back in and say this, I'd forget in 2 mins........ What if the Saudi lot don't really want him this year????? Maybe this is just a ploy to distract the player, our best player, he don't play well, ergo we have a poor season and then he goes on the cheap next summer........ TADA pick the bones outta that1....
#lfc #mosalah #saudi #pennypinchinsaudis #tinfoilhat
The only reason to have #billionaires is to make it easy for a relatively small alien invasion force to take over the planet.
The aliens need only control the humans at the receiving end of the wealth/power funnels.
My cartoon in today's @nzstuff and in print @thepostnz https://i.stuff.co.nz/opinion/109548012/emma-cook-cartoons
Old Winnie & his party have a new direction...they've brought on board some wild card candidates.
#NZFirst #TinfoilHat #Merch #PoliticalCartoon #NewZealand #Aotearoa
#nzfirst #tinfoilhat #merch #politicalcartoon #newzealand #aotearoa
Tinfoil hat thought, the UFO congressional hearing and the room temperature superconductor news landing so close to each other may not be a coincidence. Room temperature superconductors might be used in UFO "antigravity" devices, and so independent publishing of relevant research might make disclosure less impactful (e.g. the tech is already out there).
The internet as a whole has a child abuse problem and you're not helping solve it by putting on your #TinfoilHat and claiming anyone who quantifies #CSAM on your fave platform is a shill for anti-privacy legislation or funded by surveillance capitalists to discredit the open web
Hiding your head in the sand doesn't make the problem go away, it just guarantees you won't have a say in the solution
#tinfoilhat #csam #stanford #csamreport
@Seirdy @neurovagrant You purposefully refuse to accept the core problem:
#Signal is a.#centralozed #SingleVendor / #SingleProvoder solution that is subject to #CloudAct and obviously implementing #Govware #Backdoors.
Why else are all the #tinfoilhat|ed conspiracy theorists on #Telegram and not #Signal??
#Telegram #tinfoilhat #backdoors #govware #cloudact #singleprovoder #singlevendor #centralozed #Signal
@alternative_be I don’t trust search engines, so I’m indexing the internet myself and storing everything on home-built computers in my basement.
(No, actually I’m using Google for pretty much everything)
Tinfoil hat time:
What if the AI push turns out bad for the companies trying to push it? We are already seeing potential legal issues, some companies cracking down and closing their APIs, and general fear for staying afloat. Not to mention people already losing their jobs in favor of low quality AI results, as well as students using it for papers.
Either things are going to have to change drastically or go down the drain
#ai #it #tech #technology #tinfoilhat #internet #change
We all know that it is actually just his new human suit #Lizard #Alien #TinfoilHat
Found a nice #TinfoilHat channel 👍thats my Saturday sorted.
I read dead tree publications more than online ones these days. Paper is a great technology. It’s cheap, difficult to alter after publishing and doesn’t require a battery. I hope it will see a resurgence. Letter writing would be a nice thing to see revived too.
Digital = efficient
Physical = meaningful
Article by @zackwhittaker re Google patch. The real asspain part of this is going to be patching the burner (a Pixel) in that I will need to do the whole faraday bag shuffle and drive somewhere I never usually go to to get patched up.
#TinFoilHat #nerd #BurnerPhone
#tinfoilhat #nerd #burnerphone
Cassandra here to say "I told you so".
I love this quote "To my knowledge, we do not currently purchase commercial database information that includes location data derived from internet advertising", which says nothing about purchases from other sources such as those not derived from non-advertising, or from brokers who gather data from various sources, massage it, and repackage it.
#TinFoilHat #Cassandra #infosec #OldManJustYells
#tinfoilhat #cassandra #infosec #oldmanjustyells
STRANGE NEWS: Man calls 911 two dozen times about non-emergencies... #OMG...Claims he was mind-controlled by police using a program... #LOL...Called #Pegasus....
#WorldNews #News #USA #Pennsyvania #MentalIllness #TargetedIndividual #Parinoid #CIA #NSA #MindControl #NeuroWeapons #GangStalking #Surveillance #Harassment #Hallucination #Delusional #Psychotic #Brainwashed #ConspiracyTheory #DirectedEnergyWeapon #ElectronicWarfare #HavanaSyndrome #TinFoilHat
#tinfoilhat #havanasyndrome #electronicwarfare #DirectedEnergyWeapon #conspiracytheory #brainwashed #psychotic #delusional #hallucination #harassment #surveillance #gangstalking #neuroweapons #mindcontrol #nsa #cia #parinoid #targetedindividual #mentalillness #pennsyvania #usa #news #worldnews #pegasus #lol #omg
I've been seeing quite a few shows that're taking about miscarriages in recent episodes, including @TheConnersABC and @NotDeadYetABC so let's keep our eyes out for a trend here. There's messaging in TV and movies #tinfoilhat
Forget about spy balloons, I want to hear more about mysterious green lasers from the sky! 🤣
#nasa #china #hawaii #satellite #lidar #tinfoilhat
Oh I just learned that #mastodon has many different apps you can use. Trying out #IceCubesApp while I figure this out. And just a tad #tinfoilhat moment when I went to search for mastodon in the App Store. No apps would load but the #ad for #TruthSocial did lol
#mastodon #icecubesapp #tinfoilhat #ad #truthsocial
I've watched quite a few H.A.A.R.P. video's during my chemtrail debunking years, but for people not familiar with the facility: here is the best video I've seen so far:
#tinfoilhat #ionosphere #flatearth #conspiracytheory #haarp