11. Weirdest game played is definitely Time Wizards. But it was a blast.
Weirdest game I have ever read was TINGLEVERSE LOL.
#rpgaday2023 #tingleverse #timewizard
I had already noped out when cbouzy made these very fine and wise decisions (see pic, screencap from spoutible survey email) but furthermore, I wouldn't be caught dead in any club that won't welcome Dr. Chuck Tingle, WORLDS GREATEST AUTHOR
:geordi_no: Harry Potter Video Game
:geordi_ye: Harriet Porber Video Game
#chucktingle #tingleverse #transrightsarehumanrights
Have you ever had a moment in a game where you had to stop because it was sooooo funny? Tell me about your funny gaming stories.
#ttrpg #joke #rpg #shadowrun #tingleverse #funny
Are there any games out there, you would feel completely uncomfortable running or playing? And why?
The obvious one for most people might be F.A.T.A.L. But isn't that a given?
#TTRPG #GM #DM #GameMaster #DungeonMaster #FATAL #Tingleverse #VampireTheMasqurade #WorldofDarkness #WoD
#ttrpg #gm #dm #gamemaster #dungeonmaster #fatal #tingleverse #vampirethemasqurade #worldofdarkness #wod