My current favorite podcast is David Naimon's Between the Covers, part of Tin House.
Currently listening to an engaging and inspiring coversation with Marian Enriquez. Highly recommend!
#Books #authors #writingcommunity #BetweentheCovers #TinHouse @bookstodon
#books #authors #writingcommunity #betweenthecovers #tinhouse
Also VERY much not an expert - heck I've been known to reheat #coffee in the microwave!
But I can't get much more local than the Ghost Roaster beans I'm using - roasted right here in #NewWest
Current bag I picked up off-the-shelf at Craft Cafe (pic!) but Kevin also does door delivery and supplies the coffee for #Tinhouse coffee stouts - a little local success story :)
At my #Friday #HappyPlace - #Tinhouse
Brrrrr... it's cold riding out there. Thermals are great but even the fancy gloves can't keep fingertips warm
Starting this newly published collection by Talia Lakshmi Kolluri of stories told from the perspectives of animals, published by Tin House. Apparently in one story vultures get all reflective and existential while eating a carcass. What does vulture existentialism look like? Can’t wait to find out.
A new blog post about two books, one a novel, one a collection of short stories that take a reader into lands of the fantastic. 'The Maker of Swans' is Paraic O'Donnell's first novel, but published here this year by independent press #TinHouse. The collection of short stories is 'Kingdoms of Elfin' by Sylvia Townsend Warner and has been re-issued by independent #HandheldPress.
#tinhouse #handheldpress #books #reading #bookstodon #bookreview
Shitty Men In Media by Moira Donegan; crowdsourced
Topics #shittymeninmedia, #shittymediamen, #abusers, #abuse, #misogyny, #patriarchy, #columbiauniversity, #theparisreview, #thenewrepublic, #newyorkmagazine, #londonreviewofbooks, #nymag, #lrb, #harpersmagazine, #harpers, #nplus1magazine, #nplus1, #riverheadbooks, #thebaffler, #thenation, #losangelestimes, #latimes, #thenewyorker, #powellsbooks, #tinhouse, #versobooks, #verso, #wendyssubway, #mcnallyjackson, #bleacherreport, #thetrumpscorecard, #gq, #condénast, #vocativ, #vicesports, #vicemedia, #fsg, #farrarstrausandgiroux, #kissingsuzykolber, #cnbc, #wallstreetjournal, #wsj, #breitbart, #valleywag, #wiredmagazine, #guernica, #brooklynpubliclibrary, #medium, #villagevoice, #fastcompany, #thebatsegundoshow, #batsegundo, #thehuffingtonpost, #huffpo, #politico, #deadspin, #newyorktimes, #nyt, #aeon, #simonandschuster, #harpercollins, #esquire, #gawker, #theintercept, #techcrunch, #buzzfeed, #grantland, #ratter, #quartz, #penguinyoungreaders, #philomel, #fivethirtyeight, #theguardian, #rollingstone, #dailydot, #thedailydot, #macmillan, #motherjones, #pitchfork, #chicagoreader, #nationalgeographic, #slate, #slatemagazine, #mic, #cbs, #cracked, #electronicbeats, #thedailyshow, #euromoney, #nomadcinema, #newyorkmedia
#shittymeninmedia #shittymediamen #abusers #abuse #misogyny #patriarchy #columbiauniversity #theparisreview #thenewrepublic #newyorkmagazine #londonreviewofbooks #nymag #LRB #harpersmagazine #harpers #nplus1magazine #nplus1 #riverheadbooks #thebaffler #thenation #losangelestimes #latimes #thenewyorker #powellsbooks #tinhouse #versobooks #verso #wendyssubway #mcnallyjackson #bleacherreport #thetrumpscorecard #gq #condénast #vocativ #vicesports #vicemedia #fsg #farrarstrausandgiroux #kissingsuzykolber #cnbc #wallstreetjournal #wsj #breitbart #valleywag #wiredmagazine #guernica #brooklynpubliclibrary #medium #villagevoice #fastcompany #thebatsegundoshow #batsegundo #thehuffingtonpost #huffpo #politico #deadspin #newyorktimes #nyt #aeon #SimonandSchuster #harpercollins #esquire #gawker #theintercept #techcrunch #buzzfeed #grantland #ratter #quartz #penguinyoungreaders #philomel #fivethirtyeight #theguardian #rollingstone #dailydot #thedailydot #macmillan #motherjones #pitchfork #chicagoreader #nationalgeographic #slate #slatemagazine #mic #cbs #cracked #ElectronicBeats #thedailyshow #euromoney #nomadcinema #newyorkmedia