I have passed the level where #TinkerCAD can work for me, but you are the perfect user for TinkerCAD. If it works for you, then great! It is also a great way to learn the workflow of design before moving to other tools, or it might just be great for you forever.
#TinkerCAD is not advanced or difficult to use, which it gets a lot of hate for, but it is actually amazing.
My cousin recently got a printer. The hype lasted a month, and now it is only collecting dust. When I got my printer, I printed a single spool in the first year. 3 in the second year, and now, in the third year, I gave up counting. The difference was that I started to design my own stuff, and my cousin has now run out of stuff on Printables.
The biggest hindrance to 3D printing is the desire to design and print your own things. I had a lot of experience with Blender and played with SketchUp when it just came out and still belonged to Google.
TinkerCAD is often the goto tool for beginners. If we didn't have it, newbies would need to go to #Fusion360 or #onShape, which could be intimidating.
TinkerCAD is an underappreciated pilar of the 3D printing community.
#tinkercad #fusion360 #onshape #3dprinting
There is something really satisfying when you design an object in TinkerCAD and then watch it come to life on the 3D Printer. I'm having fun with this.
#TinkerCAD #3DPrinting
You already have some input, but here are my thoughts (disregard as you see fit).
My main tool is #FreeCAD. Very powerful, parametric and FOSS. I've also tinkered a bit with #OpenSCAD, but for my kind of workflow I like FreeCAD better.
Fusion360 is a popular choice, but doesn't work on Linux (which I use), and I don't like being at the mercy of the whims of Autodesk...
#TinkerCAD is good for a lot of things, but usually you quickly hit a bit of a limit on what's possible with it.
In de tijd dat ik op de levering die 10000 kogeltjes van 1mm wacht, heb ik het bord alvast ontworpen. #quincux #inkscape #tinkercad #wiskunde #math #maths #mathematics #statistics #toomanyhashtags
#quincux #Inkscape #tinkercad #wiskunde #math #maths #mathematics #statistics #toomanyhashtags
So my "Build a self contained server for remote site" project is nearing completion.
It's looking very good, so I am higher!
So I found a PCI Slot bracket keystone mount (for Ethernet jacks)!
But it's a full-height bracket and I have a half height/low profile slot.
So, with zero CAD experience and no printer to test with, do we think I can do it??
So, does anyone have a few mins to remove one of the ports and shorten it?
#cad #3dprinting #3dprint #tinkercad
Have any of you figured out how to import 3MF files into TinkerCad???
Have any of you figured out how to import 3MF files into TinkerCad???
Schwerkraft in #Tinkercad - ein virtueller Maker-Spielplatz! | Make https://www.heise.de/news/Schwerkraft-in-Tinkercad-ein-virtueller-Maker-Spielplatz-9190232.html
Hinged Parts for the 8th Grade Set - I recently agreed to run a 3D printing camp for 8th graders. If you’ve never share... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/16/hinged-parts-for-the-8th-grade-set/ #3dprinterhacks #articulated #3dprinting #tinkercad #featured #hinge
#hinge #featured #tinkercad #3dprinting #articulated #3dprinterhacks
@rad3d Just to say - if I make a model in #TInkerCAD - I don't publish links to stl/pictures - usually just a screen shot and link to project. it takes time an effort to upload (and re-upload when edit's made) several formats. So it's nice if someone does that (for free) but I think we should gratefully take what we get :) #3DPrinting
I'm look for some simple #TInkerCAD models to see if I can reproduce them parametrically using my @SnapCloud -> #OpenSCAD program
If you have any, please reply with a link to them - ta :)
#tinkercad #openscad #3dprinting
On the non-cheating side, I decided to add a slot to drop a(or several) washers into the crank that should register against this surface. That's iterative design. I also grabbed measurements while I was up this last time, and got all set to re-design in #FreeCAD rather than #TinkerCAD.
Again, this is not a slight on TinkerCAD. I like the platform and expect that I'll continue to use it for design and modeling, but I know of some of it's limitations, and wanted to build my skill set.
Why is it that I can sometimes center an unlocked object on a locked object... and then sometimes absolutely not!
2 objects - one locked - one an addition I want to center on the locked one. I select center and get the lines with their 3 dots, but no way will the "movable" object get centered on the immovable one.
The wife accidentally melted the air fryer handle on a saucepan… somehow. I pried the handle off and saw it had friction lock clips on. They wouldn’t print well in the obvious orientation. I did see they had roughly M4 sized screw holes under the handle though! I took a photo traced the outline in an SVG. Imported to #TinkerCAD and extruded, then added some countersunk M4 holes. #3Dprinted a 0.3 mm layer to check the fit and then did the full #FunctionalPrint
#tinkercad #3dprinted #functionalprint
Following up on this: I used #TinkerCAD to make my first ever self-designed 3D print! It’s meant to be a shelf that snaps on to my bedpost. My partner is always balancing her phone on my bedpost and it makes me nervous!
The job got a little messy but it makes me happy to look at.
Unfortunately I designed it hastily and made a crucial measuring error (swapped radius for diameter I think)—whoops!
Still, I learned the basics. Will try again when the lab is open on Monday.
#tinkercad #3dprinting #making
De vez en cuando me piden alguna pequeña pieza para imprimir en 3D. Sin ser experto consigo mis pequeños logros con #Tinkercad.
I realize it's not exactly 'major' compared to where I hope to end up, but I just uploaded the gxode for the first thing I've designed from the 'Here's the problem, what'cha goina do?' phase through #FreeCad, exporting a 3mf file, importing into Cura, and generating the g-code. It's now been upladed to the Octoprint host n my Ender 3 printer, which is already printing something else I created in #TinkerCAD earlier.
@BridgetClinch I keep wanting to, but every time I try I get really depressed about the many, many hours it's going to take before I can start designing the things I want to make. So I just keep using #tinkerCAD 😅