The low frequency #Tinnitus is incredibly loud this evening. That is all. Thank you and goodnight.
#frustrated #tired #sigh #tinnitus
This #tinnitus discovery could lead to a new treatment
#MediaSoundAdvisory #StarTrekLowerDecks #StarTrek #LowerDecks
Star Trek Lower Decks: Season 4 Episode 2: "I Have no Bones Yet I Must Flee"
People who are #hypersensitive to sounds and people with #tinnitus beware.
There are a few instances of loud ringing sounds in this episode. My Loops Experience Plus earplugs did not really make the sound any better. I should make note that I was not wearing the mute accessory.
#mediasoundadvisory #StarTrekLowerDecks #StarTrek #lowerdecks #hypersensitive #tinnitus #hypersensitivity #hearingloss #actuallyautistic
I just got a hearing test. The results surprised me.
tr;dr: earplugs really do work to protect your hearing! But you have to wear them every time! #tinnitus
De #tinnitus is bij mij begonnen door chronische neusontstekingen en poliepen die iedere keer weer verwijderd moesten worden, dan loop je kans dat ontstekingsvocht via da buis van Eustachius naar je oren gaat en ja dan heb je de poppen aan het dansen, nu heb ik gelukkig alleen last als het totaal stil is, dan gaat gauw de radio aan, niet te hard want dat verergert de tinnitus.
i live near a highway. 24/7 there is a steady roar. it peaks middle of the day. (not rush hour, because the traffic is slower then.) with all the windows and doors open, it's loud. right this moment, my #tinnitus is louder than the highway
#tinnitus het vervelende aan tinnitus & slechthorend zijn EN geluiden horen die er niet? zijn is dat ik mijzelf niet meer vertrouw.
Ik hoor de afgelopen dagen wel vijf keer het gepiep van een cavia....heel luid en duidelijk 😱
Maar ook hoor ik mensen praten..alsof je achter een gesloten deur staat en wel het geluid hoort, maar niet kan verstaan.
Of ik hoor muziek waarvan ik zeker weet dat het uit mijn eigen(aardige) hoofd komt.
Radio gesprekken komen ook voor.
Maar vannacht was mijn eigen >>>
Ik wil een #wet waarin het #volume van #reclames en geweld in films, series, gelijk moet zijn aan de film, serie, podcast, die je luistert…. Ik kan bijna niet via oordopjes of koptelefoon luisteren omdat het dan in mijn oor tettert. Ik heb #tinnitus en probeer me te beschermen tegen harde(re) geluiden…. Klaar mee
#tinnitus #reclames #volume #wet
I want to offer a word of hope to those with #chronic #illness especially #sensory noise / dysfunction & #pain.
I never thought it would happen, but I'm enjoying some old activities again. For the first time in years, there has been an ecstatic experience of nature; severe #tinnitus, #visualsnow & pain seemed swallowed up in a larger picture, & my mind could appreciate external beauty. I thought such an experience was lost forever, but the seemingly impossible happened, and soberly. Keep going!
#chronic #illness #sensory #pain #tinnitus #visualsnow
I want to offer a word of hope to those with #chronic #illness, especially #sensory noise and dyusfunction & #pain
I never thought it could happen, but I'm enjoying things again. For the first time in years, there has been a rapturous experience of nature; severe #tinnitus, #visualsnow & #pain have seemed swallowed up in a larger picture, & my mind can appreciate the external. I though such an experience was lost forever, but the seemingly impossible happened. No drugs involved! Keep on going.
#chronic #illness #sensory #pain #tinnitus #visualsnow
So not only have I lost my #hearing due to my #BrainTumor, I’ve lost the enjoyment of #QuietPlaces due to the #tinnitus it has brought with it.
#vacation #tinnitus #quietplaces #braintumor #hearing
I don't watch a lot of #FreeToAir TV, so the ads playing during the #WWC #MatildasVsDen game are quite something. I guess these are the ones with high production values too.
Already heard one using a #Tinnitus sound effect though...
#freetoair #wwc #matildasvsden #tinnitus
Riding home from work yesterday one of my earplugs came loose as I hadn't put them in properly.
Wind noise reduction is pretty much non-existent in my helmet at 120kmph and I don't remember it being this bad when I first got it.
Having #tinnitus since I was maybe 18yo (a youthful 35 now) meant a noisy rest of the day.
My trick is to sleep with earplugs and just deal with the noise until my ears have rested enough and the whistle has settled down.
Take care of your ears!
I've had #tinnitus for my entire life (possibly a result of having had Rubella before I was old enough for the vaccination?), so high tones and whooshing noises are a (maddeningly) constant part of life.
So, I sleep with white noise.
Despite all of that, sometimes I'll wake up with an EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so loud I'm sure others could hear it.
This time, it was an ultra low tone (a stereo bass?) that woke me, and now I can't get back to sleep.
Vielleicht ist der Trick mit dem absoluten Gehör,einfach nur ein wohl temperierter #Tinnitus
bimodal therapy for somatic #tinnitus shows statistical significant results