Another example of: Needed to remind myself of this & others out there could probably use this reminder too.
This article "Who says we have to be happy all the time", from #TinyBuddha is a perfect follow up to these questions
Blue seems skeptical about last night's dusting of snow ❄ He says, "Daddy, it's too cold."
#dogs #dogstodon #DogsOfMastodon #pitbullsofmastodon #dogphoto #artist #painter #ArtistsOnMastondon #PitbullsOnMastodon #husbands #gay #gayartists #snow #snowday #Seattle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #PugetSound #Buddha #TinyBuddha #BuddhaInTheSnow
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #dogstodon #PitbullsofMastodon #dogphoto #artist #painter #artistsonmastondon #pitbullsonmastodon #husbands #gay #gayartists #snow #snowday #seattle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #pugetsound #buddha #tinybuddha #buddhainthesnow